Dec 27, 2021Cosmos blog
A new era of astronomy opens with the launch of the NASA-led Webb telescope! ISAS researcher Ryan Lau describes on Cosmos one of the telescope's first observation programs.
Dec 23, 2021Magnetosphere
Ions and electrons in outer space exchange energy via radio waves
Dec 23, 2021Asteroid
A first look at the composition of the sample from asteroid Ryugu with the infrared spectroscopic microscope, MicrOmega.
Dec 22, 2021Asteroid
Ryugu is a primitive asteroid rich in water and organic matter ─ A first look at the unprocessed carbonaceous asteroid sample returned by Hayabusa2 ─
Dec 15, 2021ISAS GATE
Dissipation timescale of dust in protoplanetary disks revealed with Japanese satellite AKARI
Dec 9, 2021ISAS GATE
Success in Visualizing the "Propagation Path" of Electromagnetic Waves from Space to Ground
Dec 9, 2021Topics
Collaboration with KEK for the cosmic microwave background polarisation observation mission. LiteBIRD.
Dec 7, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: We look at the highlights of the US Astro2020 decadal survey
Nov 19, 2021ISAS GATE
Inner structure of the doughnut-shaped molecular gas surrounding a black hole at the galactic center revealed with absorption lines of carbon monoxide
Nov 15, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: NASA's Lucy mission is headed for the Jupiter Trojan asteroids. Our researchers discuss what this new exploration of small bodies may find.
Nov 10, 2021Topics
ISAS Director General, KUNINAKA Hitoshi, receives the "Medal with Purple Ribbon" honour award
Nov 9, 2021Topics
Implementing Arrangement with the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) for Lite (Light) satellite for the study of B-mode polarisation and Inflation from cosmic background Radiation Detection (LiteBIRD)
Nov 5, 2021Sounding Rockets
Launch Result of the SS-520-3 Sounding Rocket
Oct 27, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: What can we do to protect our planet from celestial impacts? Our researchers talk about their work in Planetary Defence on Cosmos.
Oct 8, 2021Cosmos blog
James O'Donoghue (ISAS) has been awarded the 2021 Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement! O'Donoghue describes how animations can bring science to life
Oct 4, 2021Cosmos blog
Dividing heaven and hell: Cosmos looks at UVSPEX, a new instrument that aims to differentiate between Earth- and Venus-like exoplanets
Oct 1, 2021Mercury
The BepiColombo spacecraft completes the Venus swing-bys and finally approaches Mercury
Sep 22, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: The NASA Perseverance rover successfully gathers samples from Mars. Our MMX mission members discuss this new era of Mars exploration on Cosmos.