Dec 20, 2016Spacecraft
Success of Epsilon-2 Launch with ERG Aboard
Dec 18, 2016Spacecraft
Time of Launch of Epsilon-2 with ERG on Board
Nov 15, 2016Launch Vehicles
Launch of the Second Epsilon Launch Vehicle with the Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace on Board
Feb 17, 2016Launch Vehicles
Launch Success of H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 30 with X-ray Astronomy Satellite (ASTRO-H) Onboard
Dec 22, 2015Launch Vehicles
M-35 Vacuum Combustion Test a Success
Dec 11, 2015Spacecraft
Launch of X-ray Astronomy Satellite "ASTRO-H" by H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 30
Dec 3, 2014Spacecraft
Asteroid Explorer "Hayabusa2" Flight Status and Orbit Calculation Result
Launch Success of H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 26 with "Hayabusa2" Onboard