Jun 14, 2024ISAS GATE
The imminent merger of two supermassive black holes !?: Origin of the complicated broad line profile
Jun 11, 2024ISAS GATE
Formation process of the Martian moons that can be revealed from the elemental composition observations: Evaluation of MMX MEGANE's performance using Phobos' elemental composition model
May 23, 2024ISAS GATE
A Giant Stellar Flare Captured by Two X-ray Instruments onboard the ISS: Investigation of the Non-Equilibrium Ionization Process
Feb 26, 2024ISAS GATE
It's hard to catch MeV gamma-ray signals from space! But the Electron-Tracking Compton Camera could the savior! ~Revealing background events in a balloon experiment and the usefulness of the Electron-Tracking Compton Camera~
Oct 27, 2023ISAS GATE
The geometry around the supermassive black hole, as revealed by 15 years of X-ray observational data
Oct 5, 2023ISAS GATE
Observational Confirmation of Theory of Efficient Electromagnetic Wave Growth ~ Direct detection of energy transfer from electrons to plasma waves in space ~
Aug 23, 2023ISAS GATE
Detection of dust distribution in the solar system by Hayabusa2# ~ First result in almost half a century since NASA's spacecraft observed ~
Jul 20, 2023ISAS GATE
Succeeded in developing a system to conduct high-velocity impact experiments under low gravity - Investigation of the effects of gravity and target cohesion on crater diameter -
May 11, 2023ISAS GATE
Approaching the Mystery of Dark Matter -Improving the Performance of a Sub-Millimeter Size "Superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor Microcalorimeter" for Detecting Solar Axion
Apr 13, 2023ISAS GATE
Succeeded in observing the internal plasma of the ion thruster neutralizer
Nov 28, 2022ISAS GATE
Avalanche on an asteroid!? What is the evolution of rubble-pile asteroids? - Avalanches, and the formation of top-shaped asteroids and rubble-pile satellites -
Sep 26, 2022ISAS GATE
Modelling the physical environment in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole at the galactic center
Aug 24, 2022ISAS GATE
How does the gas move around a supermassive black hole?; a new method using CO absorption lines as a clue of the gas motion
Jul 21, 2022ISAS GATE
Asteroid Flyby Cycler Trajectory for Multiple Asteroid Flyby Exploration - Trajectory Design Approach by Machine Learning and its Prospects
Jul 1, 2022ISAS GATE
Hinode-IRIS-ALMA Observations Reveal Behaviors at the Foot of Solar Microflares
Jun 29, 2022ISAS GATE
Evaluation of spectral resolving power of an immersion-echelle high-dispersion spectrometer using mid-infrared wave tracing calculations
May 25, 2022ISAS GATE
Three awards at an international conference! Positiveness and Language Proficiency Cultivated in Global Laboratory - Interview with the 33rd ISTS award winners: Mr. ITO Daichi and Dr. PUSHPARAJ Nishanth
Apr 11, 2022ISAS GATE
Does planet formation start at the snowline?