Oct 31, 2023Magnetosphere
As a storm develops in space, plasma originating from the Earth becomes the main component of the inner magnetosphere
May 23, 2023Magnetosphere
Undersea volcanic eruption off the coast of Tonga impacted space beyond the Earth's atmosphere: holes in the ionosphere revealed by Arase satellite observations
Nov 28, 2022Magnetosphere
GEOTAIL ends after over 30 years of observational operations
Dec 23, 2021Magnetosphere
Ions and electrons in outer space exchange energy via radio waves
Dec 9, 2021ISAS GATE
Success in Visualizing the "Propagation Path" of Electromagnetic Waves from Space to Ground
Jul 14, 2021Magnetosphere
Depletion of mesospheric ozone due to the pulsating aurora — Arase (ERG) reveals the impact of radiation belt electrons on the Earth's atmosphere —
Nov 12, 2020Spacecraft
Killer electrons in strumming sky lights
Feb 15, 2018Spacecraft
Dance of auroras - Scientists make first direct observation of electron frolic -
Jan 23, 2017Spacecraft
Completion of Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace Arase(ERG)'s Critical Operations Phase
Dec 20, 2016Spacecraft
Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Solar Array Paddles Deployment and Nickname Decided