Oct 28, 2022Asteroid
A 10 year sunburn: spectral evolution of a dark asteroid surface after ten years of space weathering
Oct 21, 2022Asteroid
Noble gases and nitrogen in samples from asteroid Ryugu record volatile sources and recent surface evolution
World's first asteroid gas sample delivered by the Hayabusa2 mission: A treasure box from Ryugu
Sep 26, 2022Cosmos blog
Stony materials initial analysis team result for the history of asteroid Ryugu
Sep 9, 2022Cosmos blog
Global Space News: Solar array deployment efforts for NASA's Lucy spacecraft
Sep 7, 2022Cosmos blog
Ryugu & Bennu: Ask us your questions!
Aug 16, 2022Asteroid
Asteroid Ryugu: A drifter from the outer Solar System region - Geochemistry and isotopic evidence from organic and phyllosilicate-rich material
Jul 4, 2022Asteroid
Extension of the loan of the MicrOmega instrument for analyzing Hayabusa2 return samples by French Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
Jun 17, 2022Asteroid
40 international proposals accepted to study the sample from asteroid Ryugu
Jun 13, 2022Asteroid
Ryugu may have originated from a comet nucleus that contained amino acids needed for life on Earth
Jun 10, 2022Asteroid
Asteroid Explorer Hayabusa2 Initial Analysis Chemical Analysis Team reveals aqueous alteration and primitive composition of asteroid Ryugu
Mar 17, 2022Cosmos blog
Global Space News: An Earth Trojan --an asteroid that shares the Earth's orbit around the Sun-- has been discovered! Our researchers talk about our backyard neighbours and ideas for exploration missions
Feb 11, 2022Asteroid
Pebbles flying over Ryugu and returned grains
Jan 27, 2022ISAS GATE
The 900-million-km-long journey of asteroids that brought us the materials for life --- Understanding the history of the formation of the Solar System with the clue of ammonium-bearing minerals
Jan 14, 2022Cosmos blog
Global Space News: Grains from Itokawa offer a new route for the Earth's water. Our researchers discuss what this may mean for the habitability of planets.
Jan 7, 2022Asteroid
If we're ready to explore, how about this destination? Asteroid with a refreshed surface after losing its top layer discovered in the asteroid belt.
Dec 23, 2021Asteroid
A first look at the composition of the sample from asteroid Ryugu with the infrared spectroscopic microscope, MicrOmega.
Dec 22, 2021Asteroid
Ryugu is a primitive asteroid rich in water and organic matter ─ A first look at the unprocessed carbonaceous asteroid sample returned by Hayabusa2 ─