Jan 24, 2022Cosmos blog
Global Space News: Fulfilling the mission tag line, "Touch the Sun", NASA's Parker Solar Probe has conducted "in-situ" observations of the solar atmosphere (corona). Our researchers take a look at the importance of understanding our nearest star.
Jan 14, 2022Cosmos blog
Global Space News: Grains from Itokawa offer a new route for the Earth's water. Our researchers discuss what this may mean for the habitability of planets.
Dec 27, 2021Cosmos blog
A new era of astronomy opens with the launch of the NASA-led Webb telescope! ISAS researcher Ryan Lau describes on Cosmos one of the telescope's first observation programs.
Dec 7, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: We look at the highlights of the US Astro2020 decadal survey
Nov 15, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: NASA's Lucy mission is headed for the Jupiter Trojan asteroids. Our researchers discuss what this new exploration of small bodies may find.
Oct 27, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: What can we do to protect our planet from celestial impacts? Our researchers talk about their work in Planetary Defence on Cosmos.
Oct 8, 2021Cosmos blog
James O'Donoghue (ISAS) has been awarded the 2021 Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement! O'Donoghue describes how animations can bring science to life
Oct 4, 2021Cosmos blog
Dividing heaven and hell: Cosmos looks at UVSPEX, a new instrument that aims to differentiate between Earth- and Venus-like exoplanets
Sep 22, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: The NASA Perseverance rover successfully gathers samples from Mars. Our MMX mission members discuss this new era of Mars exploration on Cosmos.
Sep 6, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: NASA's Insight mission peers inside Mars
Aug 30, 2021Cosmos blog
Do you have an idea hotter than Venus for a space mission? NASA's Lori Glaze discusses the criteria for selecting a mission at NASA on Cosmos.
Aug 23, 2021Cosmos blog
The story of Venus: NASA's Lori Glaze talks about the selection of the two new NASA missions to Venus
Aug 10, 2021Cosmos blog
BepiColombo grazes Venus in a second swing-by, at an altitude of just 550 km
Jul 30, 2021Cosmos blog
Global space news: ESA announces 'Voyage 2050' themes for the agency's large-scale missions
Jul 7, 2021Cosmos blog
探探探査: Ex-ex-exploration! The making of the ISAS rock group music video
Apr 28, 2021Cosmos blog
Why explore the moons of Mars?
Mar 25, 2021Cosmos blog
Helping to bring an asteroid home
Mar 23, 2020Cosmos blog
Creating a crater to constrain the age of an asteroid's surface