Faculty Staff | Space technologies

As of Apr 1, 2024

Name Title Research Keywords
Yosuke Fukushima Assistant Professor Autonomous remote systems
Ikkoh Funaki Professor Electric and Advanced Spacecraft Propulsion
Ken Goto Professor Composites, High temperature materials, Space use light weight materials
Ken-ichiro Maki Assistant Professor Optical and radio wave engineering, Space application
Tetsuya Matsunaga Associate Professor Structural Materials in Space
Makoto Mita Associate Professor MEMS, NEMS, Micro-Nano Devices
Takahide Mizuno Professor LIDAR, Laser Range Imager, RADAR
Masatsugu Otsuki Associate Professor Robotics, Mechatronics, Dynamics, Terramechanics
Shinichiro Sakai Professor
Yoshitsugu Sone Associate Professor Power sources for space applications like battery, fuel cell, and regenerative fuel cell. Life support devices for Water electrolysis and CO2 reduction
Ryoji Takaki Associate Professor Computational Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Computing
Shinsuke Takeuchi Associate Professor Structure and mechanism of spacecraft and rockets
Koji Tanaka Associate Professor Space Power System, Solar Power Saellite, WPT, Solar array
Tomoaki Toda Associate Professor
Shinichiro Tokudome Associate Professor Rocket Propulsion
Atsushi Tomiki Associate Professor
Ryudo Tsukizaki Associate Professor Space Propulsion, Electric Propulsion, Plasma Diagnostics
Kazuhiko Yamada Associate Professor Atomospheric-entry system, High speed aerodynamics, High enthalpy gas dymamics
Name Yosuke Fukushima
Title Assistant Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures
Research Keywords Autonomous remote systems
Details and policy of research guidance Students who will work in this lab are required to taking following three steps of research activities: 1) creating software framework to represent your understanding of autonomy for some concrete problem , 2) implementation of your idea by making small systems by your self, and 3) performing experiments using your system. The target area of your systems is not limited as space-engineering: AUV/UAV are also welcome. The autonomous scheduling theory and control theory are always placed in the center of our activities.
Message to students Since this lab concerns autonomy, the students are also expected to proceed with your works autonomously. Skills on the software, understandings of electric circuits, and knowledges of control theory are required.
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Yosuke Fukushima (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Ikkoh Funaki
Title Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Space Flight Systems
Responsible Lectures Spacecraft Propulsion II
Research Keywords Electric and Advanced Spacecraft Propulsion
Details and policy of research guidance A variety of advanced spacecraft propulsion concepts are studied:
- Solar wind sail (Magnetic sail, Magnetoplasma sail)
- Magnetoplasmadynamic arcjet
- Helicon thruster
- High performance ion thruster
- Laser propulsion
- Micro-thruster system (laser, cold jet, and FEEP) development for a drag-free mission
- Mission planning and system development for rapid solar system exploration, solar system escape, and so on
- New energy system for deep space exploration
- Drag-free system development for DECEGO mission (Japanese gravitational detection mission)
Message to students
Laboratory or personal web page http://stage.tksc.jaxa.jp/asplab/en/index.html
Personal page in ISASmap Ikkoh Funaki (Dept. of Space Flight Systems)
Name Ken Goto
Title Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Space Flight Systems
Responsible Lectures Space Structures and Materials 2
Research Keywords Composites, High temperature materials, Space use light weight materials
Details and policy of research guidance Our laboratory conducts research and development focusing on various composite materials used in rockets and satellites. Our main research themes are damage/fracture and associated changes in mechanical properties of various heat-resistant composite materials used in rockets and aircraft engines, as well as lightweight structural materials and high-precision materials used in airframe and satellite structures.
Message to students Students' research themes are determined in consultation with faculty members, with emphasis on individual preferences. We welcome new ideas and suggestions from students.
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Ken Goto (Dept. of Space Flight Systems)
Name Ken-ichiro Maki
Title Assistant Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures
Research Keywords Optical and radio wave engineering, Space application
Details and policy of research guidance The focus of my work is the space applications of optical and radio wave engineering.
Please see the following web pages for details.
Message to students I had also studied in this institute for 5 years when I was graduate university student. These experiences greatly help me for the current works. I recommend to study in the department if you are interested in the space technologies and you want to work in these fields in your future.
Laboratory or personal web page https://stage.tksc.jaxa.jp/kmaki/
Personal page in ISASmap Ken-ichiro Maki (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Tetsuya Matsunaga
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Space Flight Systems
Responsible Lectures
Research Keywords Structural Materials in Space
Details and policy of research guidance Metalic material for space use is the main target. Mechanical property and reliability of structural metals are necessary for safety exploation at lunar polar and in deep space.
Message to students
Laboratory or personal web page https://www.isas.jaxa.jp/home/sato-lab/
Personal page in ISASmap Tetsuya Matsunaga (Dept. of Space Flight Systems)
Name Makoto Mita
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures
Research Keywords MEMS, NEMS, Micro-Nano Devices
Details and policy of research guidance Our laboratory is focused on researching and developing micro and nano devices for space applications, with a particular emphasis on MEMS and NEMS technology. We come up with our own ideas, design and fabricate the devices, and perform evaluations.
Message to students Our laboratory is suitable for students who enjoy getting their hands dirty and making things themselves.
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Makoto Mita (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Takahide Mizuno
Title Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures Introduction to Radiowave Engineering for Space Applications
Research Keywords LIDAR, Laser Range Imager, RADAR
Details and policy of research guidance
Message to students
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Takahide Mizuno (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Masatsugu Otsuki
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures
Research Keywords Robotics, Mechatronics, Dynamics, Terramechanics
Details and policy of research guidance In this laboratory, we will conduct research on lunar/planetary lander and rovers that move on the surface of celestial bodies.
Message to students
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Masatsugu Otsuki (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Shinichiro Sakai
Title Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures Electronics and information for space applications II
Research Keywords
Details and policy of research guidance Our main research field is applied control engineering for artificial satellites and planet probes. Some examples of our research subjects are as follows:
1. Formation flight using superconducting coils and in-satellite maglev systems
2. Development of attitude control systems suitable for small satellites
3. Attitude control system for satellites with flexible structure
Message to students
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Shinichiro Sakai (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Yoshitsugu Sone
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures Space Systems Engineering IV, Space Applied Physical Chemistry
Research Keywords Power sources for space applications like battery, fuel cell, and regenerative fuel cell. Life support devices for Water electrolysis and CO2 reduction
Details and policy of research guidance Since 1996, I have been studying electrical power subsystem for satellite and spacecraft. I am majoring in the electrical power subsystem for the aerospace applications. In my work, I suggest the operability of the spacecraft in space based on the experiment using the ground test facilities. For this purpose, precise understanding of the energy storage/generating devices like lithium-ion secondary cell and fuel cell is essential.
Thus, the subjects I treat in my course are as follows,

1. Evaluation of the lithium-ion secondary cells. We shall compare the performance of the lithium-ion secondary cell in space with that tested on the ground. The influence of the gravity and long-term operation/storage will also be studied. Furthermore, the understanding to the degradation of the lithium-ion secondary cells from the electrochemical information is very important, and you will well trained to evaluate using electrochemical techniques.

2. Fuel cell and regenerative fuel cell technology for closed environment. It includes the basic science of the electrochemistry for fuel cell, and the equipments to apply fuel cell to the closed environment.

3. Research to find the innovative energy storage device/system. The operability of the capacity and other energy storage device and the energy generating devices will be studied.

4. Applicability of the above technologies to the space programs is the most important point in my study, and it will be great pleasure if you understand the electrochemistry which will realize the complicated system design and operation.

5. We also investigate the manegement of CO2 and H2O under the closed environment like International Space Station (ISS), Moon, and Mars based on the chemical and electrochemical methods.
Message to students The manegement of energy generation, circulation and storage is the typical basic technology for the space exploration. Let's study together for the future encounterment of Space.
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Yoshitsugu Sone (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Ryoji Takaki
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Interdisciplinary Space Science
Responsible Lectures Computational engineering and science
Research Keywords Computational Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Computing
Details and policy of research guidance Students will study on follwing items to understand computational fluid dynamics for compressible flows in the aerospace fields;
- Physics of compressible flows,
- Governing equations and numerical simulation methods,
- Highe perfoemance computing and
- appliations to the aerospace developnets.
Message to students Students who are fond of computer and programing, are preferable.
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Ryoji Takaki (Dept. of Interdisciplinary Space Science)
Name Shinsuke Takeuchi
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Space Flight Systems
Responsible Lectures Space Structures and Materials II
Research Keywords Structure and mechanism of spacecraft and rockets
Details and policy of research guidance My research theme is structure , sub-structure, and mechanism of spacecrafts and rockets. Now following specific subjects are ongoing, and a proposal of new curious subject is welcomed.
- Estimation of load in elastic body of launch vehicle (Coupled Load Analysis)
- Estimation and reductance of separation joint for spacecraft
- Landing and damping gears for reusable vehicle
- Design method of composite tanks for cryogenic propellant
- Light weight wing structure for Mars explorating aircraft
Message to students We have some chance to watch various tests of flight models, and I think understanding for practical tests and models is important for returning of research results to real development. Thus, in our research experiments are almost necessary, please remark.
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Shinsuke Takeuchi (Dept. of Space Flight Systems)
Name Koji Tanaka
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures Space Systems Engineering IV
Research Keywords Space Power System, Solar Power Saellite, WPT, Solar array
Details and policy of research guidance Advanced space power technologies that include power generation, power transmission, power storage, power management and its applications are studied. Major topics are as follows.
- Solar power satellite.
- Superlight weight power generation system.
- Interaction between high power system and space environments (plasma in ionosphere and debris, etc.).
- Advanced power storage system and its space applications.
Message to students
Laboratory or personal web page http://sps.isas.jaxa.jp/
Personal page in ISASmap Koji Tanaka (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Tomoaki Toda
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures Introduction to electronics and information for space applications
Research Keywords
Details and policy of research guidance We study deep space and inter-spacecraft communication technologies for scientific explorations as space systems based on microwave technology and photonics. The deep space transponder that has been standardized for JAXA deep space missions since Venus exploration program is a contribution from our laboratory to overcome disadvantageous conditions and enable long distance ultimate communications. We also anticipate wireless network technologies inside spacecraft as forthcoming ones. Below are the ongoing mainstream subjects of the laboratory.
(1) Deep space smart communication system based on X-band, Ka-band, and optical wave.
(2) Next generation deep space ground system.
(3) Inter-spacecraft communication technologies in formation.
(4) Wireless network technologies inside spacecraft.
(5) Development of micro- and nano-devices required for innovation of (1) to (4).
Message to students
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Tomoaki Toda (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Shinichiro Tokudome
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Space Flight Systems
Responsible Lectures Spacecraft Propulsion I
Research Keywords Rocket Propulsion
Details and policy of research guidance This laboratory provides the research environment to demonstrate full-scale operation of advanced non-toxic storable liquid propulsion systems which can be developed in five years. Furthermore, the lab creates the research theme on air-breathing rocket propulsion for future reusable space transportation systems.
Message to students
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Shinichiro Tokudome (Dept. of Space Flight Systems)
Name Atsushi Tomiki
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Spacecraft Engineering
Responsible Lectures
Research Keywords
Details and policy of research guidance
Message to students
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Atsushi Tomiki (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering)
Name Ryudo Tsukizaki
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Space Flight Systems
Responsible Lectures
Research Keywords Space Propulsion, Electric Propulsion, Plasma Diagnostics
Details and policy of research guidance The JAXA Electric Propulsion Laboratory (EP Lab) primarily focuses on the R&D of electric propulsion technologies and related plasma diagnostics techniques. Thrusters developed at the EP lab have been deployed in a wide variety of space missions, such as the Space Flyer Unit, and the asteroid sample returners “Hayabusa,” and “Hayabusa2”. The EP lab will continue to support future deep space missions, for instance, the asteroid probe “DESTINY⁺” and the outer planet probes. Research at the EP Lab is supported by the JAXA manufacturing and experimental facilities, which allows the lab to simultaneously take on multiple projects. Graduate students are involved in all of the EP Lab research, including the development of thrusters for deep space missions and its related physics.
Message to students If you are interested in my laboratory, please visit the following website and feel free to ask any questions by email. You can find my email address on the "Member" page. Also, we are happy to organize the lab tour or a virtual meeting. I will look forward to your visit.
Laboratory or personal web page https://stage.tksc.jaxa.jp/wp-eplab/home-en/
Personal page in ISASmap Ryudo Tsukizaki (Dept. of Space Flight Systems)
Name Kazuhiko Yamada
Title Associate Professor
Research Field Space technologies
Affiliation in ISAS Department of Space Flight Systems
Responsible Lectures
Research Keywords Atomospheric-entry system, High speed aerodynamics, High enthalpy gas dymamics
Details and policy of research guidance A focus of the research and development in our laboratory is an innovative atmospheric-entry system which is key technology for future planetary exploration. It is based on the aerodynamics and gas dynamics. Our research activity related to the atmospheric-entry system includes not only experiments and simulation in laboratory, but also flight demonstration using balloon, rocket and nano-satellite.
Message to students I think that your research activity in our laboratory becomes interesting and fruitful if students have a passion to create the new technology with your imagination and your hands.
Laboratory or personal web page
Personal page in ISASmap Kazuhiko Yamada (Dept. of Space Flight Systems)