Chair of Space and Astronautical Science

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World-leading, cutting-edge research in space science and engineering

Space and Astronautical Science, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI is an educational program, committed by JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), the forefront of space science research in Japan as the base institute. It covers a wide range of fields, including astrophysics, solar system science and exploration, space transportation technology, engineering of satellites and other space science probes, and the utilization of space. The course aims to nurture future space science researchers, but also aspires to develop professionals who will work in various fields, including private enterprises and public institutions, engaging in space research and its applications. As global interest in space and human activities in space grows, we are eager to learn and research together with motivated students in this exciting field.

More than a half of the faculty members of ISAS are the faculty members of Space and Astronautical Science, Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI , which provides an environment where students can receive guidance on both theoretical and engineering aspects of space science, from space observation in various wavelengths to solar system exploration, space transportation, and satellite technologies. The course allows students to broaden their interdisciplinary perspectives and gain practical experience by touching or even participating in a variety of space science projects early in their graduate studies.

Moreover, the Space and Astronautical Science Program offers various student support programs, including a Research Assistant system and a special scholarship unique to the course, ensuring a supportive research environment. We look forward to many highly motivated students who aspire to contribute to the future of space science.

Chair of Space and Astronautical Science Program
Prof. Toru Yamada