Student Support

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For the stable campus life of graduate students in the Department of Space and Astronautical Science at SOKENDAI, we provide the following support.

《Grant-type》Special Scholarship for Space and Astronautical Science

Department of Space and Astronautical Science will supply a Grant-type Special Scholarship as from October 2017, aiming to support excellent applicant students who will bear the future of space science.
Please see the details in the the Application Requirements (2024-2025).

Research Assistant (RA) system

JAXA has an RA system to engage students in the former term of the doctoral course (master’s course) or the latter term of the doctoral course with excellent academic records in assistance of academic research and R&D in JAXA. The purposes of this system are to effectively promote research in JAXA and to develop the ability of young researchers to conduct research through assistance. For details, ask us.

Financial aid

Information about scholarships and tuition exemption

Research grant system

Research grant of SOKENDAI

Mental health counseling

SOKENDAI provides mental health counseling service for students so that they can consult with a doctor about concerns in their campus life including study/research, or communicational problems.