Faculty Staff | Solar system science
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- Solar system science
As of Apr 1, 2024
Name | Title | Research Keywords |
Masanao Abe | Associate Professor | Planetary exploration, development of onboard instrument, ground-based observation, extraterestrial sample analysis |
Takumi Abe | Associate Professor | Ionospheric plasma, Upper atmosphere, Sounding rocket |
Kazushi Asamura | Associate Professor | Particle analyzers onboard satellite, Earth and planetary magnetosphere |
Keigo Enya | Associate Professor | Instrumentation (JUICE/GALA, MMX), exoplanet |
Junichi Haruyama | Assistant Professor | Moon, Planet, Volcano, Cave, Hole, Water, Exploration, Life, Image, Camera, Spectroscopy, Radar |
Takahiro Iwata | Associate Professor | Planetary science, radio astronomy, molecular spectroscopy, space geodesy |
Takefumi Mitani | Assistant Professor | |
Takehiko Satoh | Professor | Planetary atmosphere, Radiation, Dynamics, Space probes |
Hiroaki Shiraishi | Assistant Professor | Internal Structure of Moon and Planets, Seismometry |
Takeshi Takashima | Professor | Development of High-energy particle detectors, Particle physics in space |
Satoshi Tanaka | Professor | |
Elizabeth Tasker | Associate Professor | simulations, planets, hydrodynamics, science communication |
Atsushi Yamazaki | Associate Professor | Planetary exploration, Development of onboard untraviolet instrument, Upper atmospheres and plasmas of Earth and planets, Heliospheric system, Exoplanets |
Hajime Yano | Assistant Professor | Cosmic Dust, Solar System Small Bodies, Ocean Worlds, Astrobiology, Deep Space Exploration |
Name | Masanao Abe |
Title | Associate Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | Introduction to Exploring the Solar System |
Research Keywords | Planetary exploration, Development of onboard instrument, Ground-based observation, Extraterestrial sample analysis |
Details and policy of research guidance | Study on the origin and evolution of the solar system. Specifically, we will develop onboard instruments mainly in the visible / near infrared spectrometer using spacecraft for planetary exploration, and conduct research guidance using data from ground-based telescope and experimental instruments. We also conduct experimental studies and analysis using extraterestrial sample receiving facility. |
Message to students | You can do it, if you want. |
Laboratory or personal web page | |
Personal page in ISASmap | Masanao Abe (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Takumi Abe |
Title | Associate Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | Physics of Planetary Atmospheres |
Research Keywords | Ionospheric plasma, Upper atmosphere, Sounding rocket |
Details and policy of research guidance |
In our laboratory, we study the plasma physics on the planetary ionosphere such as Earth, Venus and Mars on the basis of the data analysis from spacecraft observations and theoretical consideration. Some examples of our scientific research subject are
as follows: 1. Dynamics and plasma distribution in the terrestrial ionosphere 2. Interaction of the ionospheric plasma with the neutral atmosphere and with the magnetospheric plasma, including mass and energy transport processes 3. Long-term evolution of the planetary atmosphere due to plasma outflow process |
Message to students | I welcome students who think by themselves and act on ther own. |
Laboratory or personal web page | http://ssl.tksc.jaxa.jp/pairg/index_e.html |
Personal page in ISASmap | Takumi Abe (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Kazushi Asamura |
Title | Associate Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | |
Research Keywords | Particle analyzers onboard satellite, Earth and planetary magnetosphere |
Details and policy of research guidance | We are developping plasma (and/or neutral) particle anayzers for in-situ measurements based on spacecraft and souding rockets. Plasma phenomena on Earth and planetary magnetospheres / ionospheres, such as aurorae and ion escape are our main target. In-situ measurement is possible because of relatively close distance from Earth. |
Message to students | Instrument design, assembling, calibration, test with spacecraft, analysis of observed data, …etc. are our activities. |
Laboratory or personal web page | http://sprg.isas.jaxa.jp/ |
Personal page in ISASmap | Kazushi Asamura (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Keigo Enya |
Title | Associate Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | |
Research Keywords | instrumentation (JUICE/GALA, MMX), exoplanet |
Details and policy of research guidance | Weight is put on instrumentation. |
Message to students | Now our projests are critical phase so this rabolatory cannot be accepting of a PhD student. |
Laboratory or personal web page | |
Personal page in ISASmap | Keigo Enya (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Junichi Haruyama |
Title | Assistant Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | |
Research Keywords | Moon, Planet, Volcano, Cave, Hole, Water, Exploration, Life, Image, Camera, Spectroscopy, Radar |
Details and policy of research guidance | How was, is, and will be the Moon and planets? "How shall we human beings relate to the celestial bodies?" that are my motivation to study lunar and planeatary sciences. I will use any data I can use. I will be involved in any epxloration projects that I should be involved in. |
Message to students | I am waiting those who want to challenge the most advanced lunar and planetary sceinces. |
Laboratory or personal web page | |
Personal page in ISASmap | Junichi Haruyama (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Takahiro Iwata |
Title | Associate Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Responsible Lectures | Science of Planetary Exploration, Scientific writing I, Scientific writing II |
Research Keywords | Planetary science, Radio astronomy, Molecular spectroscopy, Space geodesy |
Details and policy of research guidance | You can study the early stage evolution of our solar system by using the data obtained by KAGUYA and Hayabusa2 mission, and the experiments for on-board instruments. |
Message to students | I expect your aggressiveness and the initiative for studying. |
Laboratory or personal web page | |
Personal page in ISASmap | Takahiro Iwata (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Takefumi Mitani |
Title | Assistant Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | |
Research Keywords | |
Details and policy of research guidance | |
Message to students | |
Laboratory or personal web page | |
Personal page in ISASmap | Takefumi Mitani (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Takehiko Satoh |
Title | Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | Physics of Planetary Atmospheres |
Research Keywords | Planetary atmosphere, Radiation, Dynamics, Space probes |
Details and policy of research guidance | The research themes include planetary atmosphere, plasma, and solid body with observations both from space probes and ground-based instruments. Studying Venus (atmospheric dynamics and radiative transfer with light scattering by aerosols) with Akatsuki data is of special importance, while interactions of planetary magnetospheres and the solar wind are studied also. Students will be so instructed, through the research of specific themes, to acquire skills that can be applied to wider fields. |
Message to students | It is now possible to carry out world class researches using the planetary data acquired by Japan's own space probes. It is my hope that students make giant leaps by fully utilizing this new and good situation. |
Laboratory or personal web page | |
Personal page in ISASmap | Takehiko Satoh (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Hiroaki Shiraishi |
Title | Assistant Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | |
Research Keywords | Internal Structure of Moon and Planets, Seismometry |
Details and policy of research guidance | Study of Origin and Evolution of the Moon and Planets, Development of Instrument for planetary exploration |
Message to students | |
Laboratory or personal web page | http://planetb.sci.isas.jaxa.jp/luna/index_e.html |
Personal page in ISASmap | Hiroaki Shiraishi (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Takeshi Takashima |
Title | Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Spacecraft Engineering |
Responsible Lectures | Solar System Plasma Physics |
Research Keywords | Development of High-energy particle detectors, Particle physics in space |
Details and policy of research guidance | We develop new semiconductor detectors and signal read-out circuit systems fot high energy particle instruments onboard satellites in order to know how particles will be accelareted in the geospace and around planets with magnetic field in the solar system. |
Message to students | Let's try to develop a new detector but it's hard work! |
Laboratory or personal web page | |
Personal page in ISASmap | Takeshi Takashima (Dept. of Spacecraft Engineering) |
Name | Satoshi Tanaka |
Title | Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | Science of Planetary Exploration |
Research Keywords | |
Details and policy of research guidance | We pursue research on the inner structure of terrestrial planets and exploration methods of the inner structure of planets using flying objects. 1. We encourage students to find research subjects by themselves while studying the latest achievements in research on the inner structure of terrestrial planets. 2. We aim to make new findings and discoveries through lerning data analysis/interpretation technics. 3. We develop on-board equipment for explorer to investigate inner structure of planets, and evaluate its performance and expected scientific achievements. |
Message to students | |
Laboratory or personal web page | |
Personal page in ISASmap | Satoshi Tanaka (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Elizabeth Tasker |
Title | Associate Professor |
Research Field | Numerical simulations of star and planet formation |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | |
Research Keywords | simulations, planets, hydrodynamics, science communication |
Details and policy of research guidance | I look at the formation of stars and planets using computer simulations, including hydrodynamical models (gas) and semi-analytic codes. Key questions are how do planets form and evolve and how can we better understand the catalogue of data we are receiving from planet-finding missions. |
Message to students | Planet formation is one of the fastest developing fields in science. It is also one of the most interdisciplinary. Whether you study the Earth, the planets of our own Solar System or those around other stars, you are looking at planets and it is important to see the connection between these fields. This and the importance of international collaborations means that clear communication is key! Work on your presentation skills in English: this is as important as writing journal papers. |
Laboratory or personal web page | http://elizabethtasker.com/ |
Personal page in ISASmap | Elizabeth Tasker (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Atsushi Yamazaki |
Title | Associate Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Solar System Sciences |
Responsible Lectures | |
Research Keywords | Planetary exploration, Development of onboard untraviolet instrument, Upper atmospheres and plasmas of Earth and planets, Heliospheric system, Exoplanets |
Details and policy of research guidance | Natural phenomena leading to the distribution of the upper atmospheres and plasmas of Earth and planets are studied observationally using spacecraft-borne ultraviolet instruments. Research guidance is provided on two fronts: analytical research using ultraviolet observations from the HISAKI satellite and the AKATSUKI Venus probe, and research to develop instruments for future ultraviolet missions. |
Message to students | It takes imagination and perseverance to realise invisible ultraviolet observations that can only be made in space. I welcome a person who loves planetary exploration enough to enjoy the research, whatever difficulties. |
Laboratory or personal web page | |
Personal page in ISASmap | Atsushi Yamazaki (Dept. of Solar System Sciences) |
Name | Hajime Yano |
Title | Assistant Professor |
Research Field | Space observation science using satellites and space exploration vehicles: Solar system science |
Affiliation in ISAS | Department of Interdisciplinary Space Science |
Responsible Lectures | |
Research Keywords | Cosmic Dust, Solar System Small Bodies, Ocean Worlds, Astrobiology, Deep Space Exploration |
Details and policy of research guidance | Interdisciplinary research on cosmic dust, as a common clue of origins and evolutions of stars, planetary systems, oceans and lives, are conducted by applying more than one expertise among astronomical observations, meteoritic analyses, model calculations, laboratory experiments and space exploration missions. In recent years, we put specific emphasis on deep space missions for sample returns and dust detection and collection from Solar System small bodies as well as Ocean Worlds, space borne experiments onboard retrievable satellites like the International Space Station, ground laboratory experiments using hypervelocity impact guns and free fall drop towers, and extraterrestrial sample analyses from these sample return missions. Yet, we also encourage students to challenge a wide variety of scientific research themes on closely related subjects, including planetary protection countermeasures necessary for astrobiology missions, meteor observations, space debris flux assessment and modelling, and spaceguard issues. |
Message to students | At a time of application, prospective students must have a high motivation to initiate new research in the Solar System exploration science and astrobiology. They can hold a degree from any disciplines unrelated to space science but research experiences in more than one of the following practices are plus: astronomical observation, sample analysis, numerical simulation, experimental measurement, field expedition, and instrumentation development. Also, we welcome students who can have a good communication skills in English due to its highly-internationalized research environment. |
Laboratory or personal web page | http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/home/labam/home.html |
Personal page in ISASmap | Hajime Yano (Dept. of Interdisciplinary Space Science) |