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Monthly Events in 2024/03

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09 (2024/02/26 - 2024/03/03)

HOP 0130 - CORE: Multi-temperature Full Disk Slot Scans (2024/02/27-2024/02/27)

HOP 0206 - Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 (2024/02/27-2024/02/27)

HOP 0206 - Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 (2024/03/01-2024/03/01)

HOP 0349 - XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum (2024/02/20-2024/03/03)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/03/02-2024/03/02)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/03/03-2024/03/05)

10 (2024/03/04 - 2024/03/10)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2024/03/06-2024/03/06)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2024/03/08-2024/03/08)

HOP 0206 - Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 (2024/03/04-2024/03/04)

HOP 0206 - Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 (2024/03/07-2024/03/07)

HOP 0206 - Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 (2024/03/10-2024/03/10)

HOP 0344 - IHOP propsal for EIS/IRIS Full-Disk Spectral Scans (2024/03/10-2024/03/13)

HOP 0349 - XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum (2024/03/07-2024/03/10)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/03/09-2024/03/09)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/03/03-2024/03/05)

11 (2024/03/11 - 2024/03/17)

HOP 0130 - CORE: Multi-temperature Full Disk Slot Scans (2024/03/17-2024/03/17)

HOP 0206 - Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 (2024/03/13-2024/03/13)

HOP 0206 - Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 (2024/03/16-2024/03/16)

HOP 0344 - IHOP propsal for EIS/IRIS Full-Disk Spectral Scans (2024/03/10-2024/03/13)

HOP 0349 - XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum (2024/03/12-2024/03/16)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/03/16-2024/03/16)

HOP 0412 - Synoptic SOT Latitudinal Scans (updated version of HOP79) (2024/03/14-2024/03/14)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

12 (2024/03/18 - 2024/03/24)

HOP 0206 - Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 (2024/03/19-2024/03/19)

HOP 0206 - Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 (2024/03/22-2024/03/22)

HOP 0349 - XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum (2024/03/22-2024/03/22)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/03/24-2024/03/24)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0460 - [SOOP: Earth at Quadrature] Prominence and/or an active region at the limb as seen from Solar Orbiter (2024/03/23-2024/03/23)

HOP 0475 - [SOOP: COORD_CALIBRATION (CC1_111) and (CC1_115)] Cross-calibration of the Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) (2024/03/19-2024/03/20)

HOP 0476 - [SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Flare Watch (2024/03/19-2024/03/19)

HOP 0476 - [SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Flare Watch (2024/03/23-2024/03/23)

HOP 0477 - [SOOP: Composition Mosaic] EIS & SPICE Composition mosaics (Updated) (2024/03/20-2024/03/22)

HOP 0482 - [SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height] Tracking the composition through the solar atmosphere layers (2024/03/18-2024/03/19)

HOP 0483 - [SOOP: COORD_CALIBRATION] Coordinated calibration with Solar Orbiter (2024/03/19-2024/03/20)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/03/24-2024/03/26)

13 (2024/03/25 - 2024/03/31)

HOP 0349 - XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum (2024/03/28-2024/03/29)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/03/31-2024/03/31)

HOP 0409 - Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere (2024/03/29-2024/03/30)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0478 - [SOOP: Fast Wind] Sources of fast solar wind (2024/03/31-2024/04/03)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/03/24-2024/03/26)

14 (2024/04/01 - 2024/04/07)

HOP 0349 - XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum (2024/04/01-2024/04/03)

HOP 0349 - XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum (2024/04/05-2024/04/18)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/04/06-2024/04/06)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0457 - [SOOP: Nanoflares] New run of the IHOP 429 in conjunction with the Solar Orbiter (2024/04/04-2024/04/04)

HOP 0476 - [SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Flare Watch (2024/04/02-2024/04/06)

HOP 0478 - [SOOP: Fast Wind] Sources of fast solar wind (2024/03/31-2024/04/03)

HOP 0480 - Solar Flare Sounding Rocket Campaign (2024/04/05-2024/04/17)

15 (2024/04/08 - 2024/04/14)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2024/04/10-2024/04/10)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2024/04/12-2024/04/12)

HOP 0130 - CORE: Multi-temperature Full Disk Slot Scans (2024/04/09-2024/04/09)

HOP 0349 - XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum (2024/04/05-2024/04/18)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/04/13-2024/04/13)

HOP 0394 - South Polar Coronal Hole Observations during the On-orbit Ecipse (2024/04/08-2024/04/08)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0479 - Polar Plume Observations During the 2024 April 8 Total Solar Eclipse (2024/04/08-2024/04/08)

HOP 0480 - Solar Flare Sounding Rocket Campaign (2024/04/05-2024/04/17)

HOP 0481 - EIS Support for the 2024 ACES Eclipse Mission (2024/04/08-2024/04/08)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/04/14-2024/04/16)

16 (2024/04/15 - 2024/04/21)

HOP 0349 - XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum (2024/04/05-2024/04/18)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/04/20-2024/04/20)

HOP 0412 - Synoptic SOT Latitudinal Scans (updated version of HOP79) (2024/04/18-2024/04/18)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0480 - Solar Flare Sounding Rocket Campaign (2024/04/05-2024/04/17)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/04/14-2024/04/16)

17 (2024/04/22 - 2024/04/28)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/04/27-2024/04/27)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0473 - Wave propagation from the photosphere to the corona in relation to magnetic structures (2024/04/22-2024/05/12)

18 (2024/04/29 - 2024/05/05)

HOP 0130 - CORE: Multi-temperature Full Disk Slot Scans (2024/04/30-2024/04/30)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/05/04-2024/05/04)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0473 - Wave propagation from the photosphere to the corona in relation to magnetic structures (2024/04/22-2024/05/12)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/05/05-2024/05/07)

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