TANSEI-2 aims to try performance test of M-3H rocket, and demonstration of new technologies, such as magnetic-field-aligned, attitude-stabilization method and spin-axis control by cold gas jet, required for the next and subsequent scientific satellites.

Name (pre-launch in parentheses) TANSEI-3 (MS-T3)
International Designation code 1977-012A
Objectives Performance test of M-3H rocket, and demonstration of new technologies, such as magnetic-field-aligned, attitude-stabilization method and spin-axis control by cold gas jet, required for the next and subsequent scientific satellites.
Launch Date 14:15, February 19, 1977 (JST)
Launch Location Kagoshima Space Center (Uchinoura)
Launch Vehicle M-3H-1
Weight 129kg
Shape Near circular cylinder, 931.2mm long from face to face and 800mm high
Orbital Altitude Perigee 790 km, Apogee 3,810 km
Orbital Inclination 66°
Type of orbit Elliptical
Orbital Period 134 min
Scientific Instruments 1.Infrared horizontal line detector
2.Digital sun sensor
3.Geomagnetic attitude meter
4.Cold gas jet instrument
5.Nutation damper
6.Torquing magnet
7.Ultraviolet monitor
End of Operation March 8, 1977
Operation The plan was to conduct a cold-gas jet experiment in the first week and a magnetic field-aligned stabilization experiment in the second week. A shut-off valve malfunction, however, caused the cancellation of the gas-jet experiment, and instead, the magnetic field-aligned attitude stabilization experiment was conducted.

Due to operations performed from the 32nd though 39th revolutions, the maximum angle of the satellite-reference axis to the geomagnetic field line went from 6° to 18° during the 41st revolution. Thus, the magnetic field-aligned attitude stabilization system was demonstrated to function properly.