
ISAS Space Science Colloquium & Space Science Seminar



Synthetic observations of clumpy ISM: Implications on the seed CO clouds and CO-dark molecular gas

立原 研悟(Kengo TACHIHARA)

We carried out synthetic observations of a theoretical model of interstellar carbon in CO, C I and C II including H2 formation. The theoretical model based on numerical simulations of H I gas converging at a velocity of 20km/s by Inoue & Inutsuka (2012) is employed in the present study. The gas model, which is fairy realistic and consistent with the observations of the local gas located at high b, is turbulent and inhomogeneous with magnetic field. We focus on the evolution of the rare species, CO, C I and C II from 0.3 Myr to 9 Myr since the converging flows collided. In the early phase within 1 Myr, the Cold Neutral Medium (CNM) clumps of sub-pc scales are the formation sites of H2, CO and C I, and in the late phase from 3 Myr to 9 Myr the CNM clumps merge together to form pc-scale molecular clouds. The results show that C I and CO are well mixed at pc scales, and mark a significant disagreement with the classic picture which predicts layered C I and CO distributions according to Av. The total mass budget of the local ISM indicates the fraction of H I is about 70% and the CO-dark H2 is small, less than a few percent, contrary to the usual assumption. The results of high resolution CO observations by the Nobeyama 45m telescope, ASTE, and ALMA obtained at a cloud edge are consistent with this picture, and future high resolution CI observations by ALMA/ACA will reveal small- scale structures of molecular clouds and PDRs.

Place: A 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


(1) The International Phobos/Deimos Data Working Group and its support of MMX
(2) The formation of the Martian moons: observations and modeling


(1) "The International Phobos/Deimos Data Working Group and its support of MMX"
Thomas C. Duxbury
Department of Physics and Astronomy George Mason University, USA

We overview the activity of the International Phobos/Deimos Data Working Group (PDDWG). One of its main objectives is for producing a priority listing of existing data needed to support MMX sample site selection and proximity operations. The highest priority data included those from Mars Express HRSC and OMEGA, Viking Orbiter imaging, PHOBOS 88 imaging, and MAVEN IUVS. They will provide information on the moon ephemerides, orientations, topographies and gravity for proximity operations of MMX, and provide information on surface composition, minerology, slopes, local force fields and hazards for sample site selection of MMX.


(2) "The formation of the Martian moons: observations and modeling"
Pascal Rosenblatt
University of Nice, France

A giant collision is widely accepted to explain the formation of the moon of the Earth. The origin of the Martian moons is a question still largely open. Two main formation scenarios have been proposed so far: capture vs in-situ. In this lecture we will review the modeling efforts with regard to the Phobos sample return opportunity of the Martian Moon Exploration mission of the Japanese space agency (JAXA).

Place: A 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Instrumentation for future CMB and Far Infrared projects

Bruno Maffei
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France

The Planck and Herschel space missions have produced great results but have also shown some limitations and systematics that future missions will have to overcome.
New technologies are being developed to gain in sensitivity and potentially reduced their systematics for polarisation measurements. Some of these new technologies, particularly focusing on the detection chain and its cold optics, will be presented with a focus on their preliminary performance together with new ways to characterise and calibrate these.

Place: Shin-A 2F Conf. room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A(1257号室)



加藤 晃一(Koichi KATO)
自然科学研究機構 生命創成探究センター

「生きているとは何か?」誰もが抱くこの根源的な問いに答えるような、 生命の本質の理解を目指した研究を進めていくため、生命創成探究センター(Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems : ExCELLS)が昨年4月に開所いたしました。ExCELLSでは、最先端機器で生物を観察し(みる)、最新手法でデータを解読して(よむ)、生命の仕組みの解明を目指しまています。さらに、生命の始原形態や環境適応戦略を理解するために極限環境生命の研究者とも協力しながら、異分野融合型の新研究を進め、生命の設計原理を探究していきたいと考えています。

Place: Shin-A 2F Conf. room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A(1257号室)



船崎 健一(Kenichi FUNAZAKI)


Place: Shin-A 2F Conf. room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A(1257号室)


Subaru Wide-field AGN Survey with Hyper Suprime Cam

長尾 透(Tohru NAGAO)
愛媛大学宇宙進化研究センター(Research Center for Space and Cosmic Evolution, The University of Ehime)

It is widely known that most massive galaxies harbor a supermassive black hole (SMBH), whose mass reaches up to a few billion times the solar mass, at the nucleus of their host galaxies. However, it is still unclear when and how SMBHs formed and evolved in the early Universe. Some populations of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are interesting for understanding the evolutionary picture of SMBHs, but their faintness and low number density have prevented us from understanding their statistical properties.
A new wide-field deep optical imaging survey with Hyper Suprime Cam(HSC) on the Subaru Telescope, started in March 2014, enabled us to search for optically-faint AGNs in a wide field (> a few hundreds deg2). In this colloquium, I would like to report some recent outcomes such as discoveries of very high-redshift quasars at z > 6, statistical properties of heavily dust-obscured AGNs, and new pictures of radio galaxies.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Phaethon shape model from radar and lightcurve data

Sean Marshall
Arecibo Observatory & University of Central Florida

I will present the shape and rotation state of near-Earth asteroid 3200 Phaethon, the target of the upcoming DESTINY+ mission. Phaethon passed 0.07 au from Earth on December 16, 2017, which was its closest approach to Earth since its discovery. This shape model was derived using Arecibo and Goldstone radar data from Phaethon's 2007 and 2017 apparitions, and lightcurves from many apparitions. Phaethon is roughly spheroidal with an equatorial ridge, similar to Bennu and Ryugu. Phaethon has a maximum diameter of about 6 kilometers, slightly larger than previously estimated.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



宇宙人存在問題(Question on Alien Civilization Existence)

福島 登志夫(Toshio FUKUSHIMA)


Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



谷田貝 文夫(Fumio YATAGAI)


Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


An update from down under in radio astronomy

Philip Gregory Edwards
Australia Telescope National Facility/CSIRO(オーストラリア国立望遠鏡機構)

There have been some significant changes in the astronomical landscape in Australia in recent years: the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder is about to move from its Early Science phase to the start of pilot surveys in early 2019; Australia has joined a partnership with ESO and so the optical AAO has undergone another change; and the Australian Space Agency was established in 2018.
In this presentation, these changes will be described and the opportunities for the future outlined.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



角田 博明(Hiroaki TSUNODA)


Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Athena and its Optics / Status of the Silicon Pore Optics


"Athena and its Optics"

ESA's second large class Science mission Athena is being designed and its technologies prepared. Athena is a large space based X-ray observatory to study the structure and history of the Universe. This mission is enabled by the innovative Silicon Pore Optics technology, which is light enough and provides the required angular resolution demanded by the science goals of Athena. Two ambitious focal plane instruments are being developed: a wide-field imager and a high resolution cryogenic imaging spectrometer. The talk will report on the current status of the Athena mission design and the associated technology developments led by ESA. Particular emphasis will be given to the X-ray optics and its accommodation on the spacecraft.


"Status of the Silicon Pore Optics"
Maximilien COLLON

The Silicon Pore Optics (SPO) technology has been developed by ESA and its industrial and institutional partners with the specific target of enabling the Athena mission. The SPO relies on the spin-in of technology from the semiconductor industry, and takes a holistic approach to developing the X-ray optics technology required for Athena. Next to the challenging imaging performance requirements and mass constraints also the programmatic envelope, including schedule and cost constraints, must be respected. In the talk details on the SPO technology developments will be presented, and results will be reported, including those from the characterisation of the optics in X-ray facilities.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


A cLosed cycled dilution refrigerator for LiteBIRD / SPICA, LiteBIRD and ATHENA-XIFU Technology of space cryocoolers below 1 K


"A cLosed cycled dilution refrigerator for LiteBIRD"
Gerard Vermeulen
(Institut NEEL)

I will briefly review the principles of operation of the CCDR and discuss the results of the test of a "negative gravity" CCDR with a JAXA helium-3 circulation pump.
Then, I will describe discuss the current design of a demonstration model for X-IFU in the context of LiteBIRD with emphasis on thermal interfaces with the instrument and with warmer stages in the cooling chain.


"SPICA, LiteBIRD and ATHENA-XIFU Technology of space cryocoolers below 1 K"
Thomas Prouvé

The science of the universe implies the use of very sensitive detectors operated in space, below 1 K, on large observation satellites.
Herschel, Plank, ASTRO missions, SPICA, LiteBIRD and ATHENA X-IFU have been and will equipped with cryogenic coolers operating between 100 mK and 50 mK.
Sorption, adiabatic demagnetization and dilution refrigerators are the three space compatible solutions to reach such low temperatures with limited resources.
These coolers will be presented as well as the future technical challenges of the future missions.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1204) / 研究管理棟2階小会議室(1204号室)



Cosmic Microwave Background - past and future

日下 曉人(Akito KUSAKA)
東京大学大学院理学研究科(University of Tokyo)

In the coming decade, we foresee a rich and fruitful evolution in the field of cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations. In this talk, I will review the current state of the art of the field, and the prospect of the ground-based CMB program during the next decade.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



齋藤 健治(Kenji SAITO)
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), Michigan State University

電子やイオンを加速して物質に衝突させて、新粒子の生成や物質構造の研究などの基礎研究(素粒子物理、原子核物理、物質構造解析)には加速器が不可欠です。マイクロ波を使ってビームを加速する加速空洞技術には、銅材を使った常伝導空洞とニオブ材のような超伝導材を使った超伝導空洞の二つがあります。後者は極低温(2 -4 K)で、空洞の表面抵抗が銅に比べて百万分の一と非常に小さく、マイクロ波による表面発熱を極めて小さく抑えられ、冷却効率を考慮してもなお経済性に優れ、ビーム品質に大きな利点があります。その開発は1960年代にスタンフォード大学で始まり、この50年で加速電界は50MV/mまで向上しました。今では、大型加速器プロジェクトではこの技術をベースにするようになりました。現在、日本での誘致が検討されている国際リニアーコライダー(ILC)、ミシガン州立大学で建設中のFRIB(Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)がその例です。この講演では、高電界超伝導空洞の発展史とその応用について紹介します。

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Asteroseismology, now and in the future

高田 将郎(Masao TAKADA)
東京大学大学院理学研究科(University of Tokyo)

Asteroseismology constitutes a brach of stellar physics in which the internal structure of the stars is inferred from the properties of their oscillations detected at the surface. Thanks to the development of the observational technique, particularly after the launch of the CoRoT and Kepler spacecrafts, the targets of asteroseismology now cover almost all the area on the HR diagram, including not only the main-sequence stars, but also the evolved stars (subgiants, red giants and white dwarfs). In this presentation, an introduction to asteroseismology is attempted with some recent highlights and future prospects.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Spatial Structures; How they have been being developed for architectures on earth

川口 健一 (Kenichi KAWAGUCHI)
東京大学生産技術研究所(Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo)

Shell, space trusses, membrane, tension and deployable structures, which make the best use of their material through their spatial geometry and are frequently applied to space structures, have been rapidly developed as lightweight structural components for architectures on the earth, in the second half of 20th centuries. In the talk, histories of development of those type of structures, starting from examples of applications to some numerical theories for analysis, mainly focusing on the applications to large span architectures, will be briefly reviewed. Further, state of the arts of some of those structures will be quickly given.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Threat of the Sun and Superflares

柴田 一成 (Kazunari SHIBATA)
京都大学大学院理学研究科附属天文台(Kyoto University, Astronomical Observatory)

Using Kepler data, we recently found evidence of occurrence of superflares on Sun-like stars with energy of 100 - 1000 times of the largest solar flares with frequency of once in 800 - 5000 years. These observations suggest that there is a possibility of superflares (with energy of ~ 10^34 erg) on the present Sun.

Place: Shin-A 2F Conf. room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A(1257号室)


Search for Origins of Extraterrestrial Organics and Life by Ground and Space Experiments

小林 憲正 (Kensei KOBAYASHI)
横浜国立大学大学院工学研究院(YOKOHAMA National University)

As a possible origin of the life on the earth, the importance of extra- terrestrial materials has been pointed out. In this talk, I will outline the research activities on the formation, denaturation, and transportation to the earth of organic materials under the space environments outside the earth, and will discuss their possible links the origin of the lief on the earth.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Lean Satellite, a new way of making and using satellites

趙 孟佑(Mengu CHO)
九州工業大学大学院工学研究院(Kyushu Institute of Technology)

In recent years, development and utilization of small/micron/nano/pico satellites are proliferating worldwide.
There is a trend to call those satellites as "lean satellite" to describe the non-traditional development and management methodology and philosophy to deliver the satellite value at low cost and in short time more correctly rather than defining the satellites by mass and/or size. One big problem of lean satellite is how to assure mission success while seeking low cost and fast-delivery.
Center for nanosatellite testing at Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) worked on testing of various satellites from Japan and abroad. It also led the effort of nanosatellite environment testing standard, ISO-19683. Kyutech also developed and launched more than 12 satellites. From those experiences, solutions to the problem have started to appear. The latest trend of lean satellite will be also presented.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


博士課程在籍者のキャリアパス等に関する意識調査; フォーカス・グループ・インタビューからの考察

松澤 孝明(Takaaki MATSUZAWA)

属性の異なる大学の博士課程籍者を対象に対し、博士課程への進学動機や、キャリアパスに関する不安、就職観や専門観ついて、市場調査の方法のひとつであるフォーカス・グループ・インタビュー(FGI)によるインタビュー調査を行った。その結果、我が国の博士課程在籍者には共通する思考パターンやノーム(規範)が観察されたので、博士人材のキャリアパスの多様化と雇用適正の観点から考察を行い、いくつかのモデルの検討を行った。 (担当小林より)博士課程の本音に迫る調査結果をご紹介いただけることになりました。学生の皆さんはご自身の将来の参考に、先生方はいよいよ到来する「2018年問題」に備えて、必聴です!

Place: 2F Conf. room (1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO and B-DECIGO

川村 静児(Seiji KAWAMURA)
名古屋大学大学院理学研究科(NAGOYA University)

DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO) is a future Japanese space gravitational-wave antenna. The most important objective of DECIGO is to detect gravitational waves coming from the inflation of the universe. DECIGO consists of four clusters of spacecraft, and each cluster consists of three spacecraft with three Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometers. As a pathfinder mission of DECIGO, B-DECIGO should be launched to demonstrate technologies necessary for DECIGO as well as to lead to fruitful multimessenger astronomy. B-DECIGO is a small-scale version of DECIGO with the sensitivity good enough to provide frequent detection of gravitational waves. In this talk, the aimed science and the mechanical and optical design of DECIGO and B-DECIGO will be explained in details.

Place: Shin-A 2F Conf. room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A(1257号室)


水素分子の形成とオルトーパラ転換 ― 宇宙科学との関係を考える
Molecular-hydrogen generation and ortho-para conversion - Relation with astrophysics

福谷 克之(Katsuyuki FUKUTANI)
東京大学 生産技術研究所(Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo)

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and a main constituent of the interstellar media. Recombinative formation of molecular hydrogen from atomic hydrogen leads to molecular clouds, which is regarded as a precursor state of star formation. Molecular hydrogen exists in nuclear-spin isomers designated as ortho and para species according to the total nuclear spin of 1 and 0, respectively. Whereas the transition between the ortho and para species and molecular hydrogen formation are extremely slow in gas phase, both processes are promoted through interaction with solid surfaces. In recent years, the ortho-para ratio of molecular hydrogen in space and planetary environments has been experimentally observed by infrared satellite observatory, which often reveals deviation from the molecular-cloud temperature. This is expected to provide us with information on evolution of molecular clouds and star formation. In these regards, we experimentally investigate molecular-hydrogen formation and ortho-para conversion on solid surfaces in the laboratory, and discuss the physical mechanism.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



村上 泉
核融合科学研究所 ヘルカリ研究部

非平衡プラズマ現象の研究に向けた、極端紫外スペクトル線解析のための鉄イオンの原子データと分光モデルの評価を、大型ヘリカル装置(LHD)等実験室プラズマを用いて行った。Fe XVIIの発光線強度比の評価から、ひのでEISの計測値の理論値・実験値からの ずれはEISの感度較正の経年変化の発見へとつながった。精度を評価した原子データ・分光モデルにより、様々な非平衡プラズマ現象研究への応用が期待できる。

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



梅村 雅之
筑波大学 計算科学研究センター


Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



西野 真木
名古屋大学 宇宙地球環境研究所


Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Exploring the Dusty and Dynamic IR Sky with Spitzer, JWST, and Beyond

Ryan Lau

I will discuss results from our mid-IR transient survey with the Spitzer Space Telescope and our future plans with the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in exploring the dusty and dynamic behavior of massive stars.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



佐藤 実
東海大学 清水教養教育センター


Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Calorimetric Electrons Telescope (CALET) on the International Space Station: The latest results from the first three-year observations on orbit

鳥居 祥二(Shoji TORII)
早稲田大学理工学術院 理工学研究所(Waseda University)

The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) space experiment, which has been developed by Japan in collaboration with Italy and the United States, is a high-energy astroparticle physics mission installed on the International Space Station (ISS). The primary goals of the CALET mission include investigating possible nearby sources of high-energy electrons, studying the details of galactic particle propagation and searching for dark matter signatures. During a mission, extendable to five years, the CALET experiment measures the flux of cosmic- ray electrons (including positrons) to 20 TeV, gamma-rays to 10 TeV and nuclei with Z=1 to 40 up to 1,000 TeV. Since the start of operation in mid-October, 2015, a continuous observation has been kept mainly by triggering high energy (>10 GeV) showers without any major interruption. The number of the triggered events over 10 GeV is nearly 20 million per month. By using the data obtained during the first three-years, we will have a summary of the CALET observations: 1) Electron+Positron energy spectrum, 2) Proton and Nuclei spectrum, 3) Gamma-ray observation, with results of the performance study on orbit. We also present the results of observations of the electromagnetic counterparts to LIGO-VIRGO gravitational wave events and high-energy counterparts to GRB events measured with the CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM).

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



三好 由純
名古屋大学 宇宙地球環境研究所


Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Quantum Chemistry Approaches to Elucidate Chemical Reactions in Astrobiology

庄司 光男(Mitsuo SHOJI)
筑波大学計算科学研究センター(Center for Computational Sciences, Tsukuba Univ.)

Variety of chemical reactions occur in interstellar space. These reactions are different to the familiar reactions performed under biological and ordinal thermal conditions. Therefore, theoretical approaches to elucidate such reactions are not yet established and the astrobiology is exciting and challenging research region for computational chemistry. In my presentation, a novel approach to search chemical reactions, called GLAS method, is discussed. Our GLAS method is significantly valuable for searching chemical reactions. Glycine formation reactions, which deeply relate to the origin of life, and a molecular mechanism of chiral amplitude in comet are discussed.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


High efficiency superconducting nanowire single photon detectors in NICT, for deep space optical communication

三木 茂人Shigehito MIKI)

We introduce superconducting nanowire single photon detection technology with ~80 % detection efficiency at from visible to near infrared wavelength region for applications of deep space optical communication.

Place: Nyusatsu Conf.room(1134) / 研究管理棟1階入札会議室(1134号室)


Searching for Planets like Earth around Late-M Dwarfs using Subaru/IRD

佐藤 文衛(Bunei SATO)
東京工業大学(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

We plan to conduct an extensive, precise near-infrared (NIR) RV survey focused on late-M dwarf stars (LMDs) using newly commissioned InfraRed Doppler (IRD) instrument and Subaru telescope. IRD is an echelle spectrometer that covers the wavelengths from 0.97 to 1.75 m with a high spectral resolution (70,000). IRD's high instrumental stability and its use of a laser frequency comb as a very precise wavelength reference allow us to measure the RVs of LMDs with a precision of 2 m/s or better.
The goals of our survey are: (1) to discover small rocky planets in the habitable zone around these low-mass stars, and (2) to uncover the distribution of planetary systems containing Earth-mass planets and more massive planets. We here outline our planet search project and also introduce other observations that will be possible using IRD.

Place: Shin-A 2F Conf. room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A(1257号室)


Space Colony Research Center at the Tokyo University of Science ーDeveloping technology for moon-base habitation and its application to the earth societyー

木村 真一(Shinichi KIMURA),向井 千秋(Chiaki MUKAI)
東京理科大学(Tokyo University of Science)

Space exploration stimulates our imaginations and empowers our activities to make our dreams to happen. With hopes future living on the moon-base supported by science and technology, the Tokyo University of Science (TUS) established the Space Colony Research Center last year, funded by the Private University Research Branding Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
The center interdisciplinary works amongst in-house researchers as well as outside academia with the collaboration of government and industry.
The goal of the Center is to further improve technology in areas the TUS excels at, making the technology viable in space and creating a virtuous cycle of technological innovation on Earth as well. It is comprised of four teams: 1) The Space Agriculture Team, researching hydroponics to grow food in space; 2) The Energy Creation and Storage Technology Team, researching the generation of energy necessary to support life in space; 3) The Water and Air Recycling Technology Team, researching how to recycle these limited resources; and 4) The Space system development and Quality of Life Design Team, in charge overall and researching medical and other systems for while living in space. The core of their research is based around photocatalysis and high-efficiency energy generation with a low environmental impact, strengths of the university.
Our plan of the Space Colony Research Center will be discussed. And the concept of the moon-base frontier medicine to ensure safe and productive human activities will be briefly introduced.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Basilisk - Next Generation of Open Spacecraft Simulation and Mission Analysis Tool

Hanspeter Schaub
Univ. of Colorado Boulder

The Basilisk framework is an modular C/C++ based simulation environment that is wrapped with Python to make it scriptable. This allows for dynamics actuators, sensor, and space environment forces to me modeled in an interchangeable manner. This seminar highlights on- going Basilisk related research efforts between the Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab and the Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics, and how this is changing how mission simulations and autonomous software is being developed.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


超小型衛星打上げ機SS-520 5号機の実験結果について

羽生 宏人(Hiroto HABU)
ISAS/JAXA 宇宙飛翔工学研究系

2018年2月3日にSS-520 5号機を打上げ、超小型衛星TRICOM-1Rの軌道投入実験を行った。ロケットは計画通り飛行し、発射後7分30秒後にTRICOM-1Rを分離して、軌道投入実験は成功した。本研究開発活動は、2015年に採択された経済産業省の委託事業を基礎に所内プロジェクトとして設置された。2017年1月15日に最初の実験としてSS-520 4号機により実行したが、機体の不具合により超小型衛星TRICOM-1の軌道投入に失敗した。実験後の原因究明結果から、不具合の主たる推定原因は電源系のショートであることが判明した。SS-520 5号機実験は、必要な技術対策や改善を施して4号機再実験として実施された。今回は研究開発の技術的な観点のみならず、打上げ現場の実務の様子も合わせて紹介する。

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Small Worlds - Big Discoveries

James Green, Chief Scientist

One of the most important sets of objects in our solar system are small bodies such as asteroids, planetesimals, protoplanets, dwarf planets, and comets. These small worlds provide a wealth of knowledge that, if properly understood, can tell us an enormous amount about the origin and evolution of the solar system. They represent remnants of the building blocks of the planets and provide insight into the conditions of our earliest history. It is also well known that after the formation of the solar system continual impacts by small bodies to the terrestrial planets were the delivery mechanism of key elements that perhaps gave rise to the origin of life here on Earth. Small bodies also experience a myriad of processes, providing numerous natural science laboratories to gain knowledge into the evolution of the solar system. In addition, small bodies represent both hazards, such as Near Earth Objects, but also potential future resources, as humans leave low Earth orbit and trek out into the solar system their need for future materials and fuels may largely be met by mining certain types of small bodies.

This talk will place the current small worlds missions, mostly by JAXA and NASA, into a broader context of the importance small bodies plays in the solar system and what they are telling us. This is truly an exciting time for exploring these small worlds allowing true missions of discovery. We have much to learn from them.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Astrochemical Approach to Star and Planet Formation

坂井 南美(Nami SAKAI)

Star and planet formation is one of the most fundamental structure-formation processes in the Universe. Physical processes of star and planet formation have widely been investigated as one of the major targets of astronomy and astrophysics by observations in the entire wavelength region during the last few decades. Although a rough outline of these processes has been presented, there still remain many unknowns and missing links. One of them is when the disk structure is formed around a protostar, and how it is evolved into a protoplanetary disk and eventually to a planetary system. At the same time, understanding the evolution of matter from interstellar clouds to stars and planets is also a goal of astronomy. So far, about 200 interstellar molecules have been identified mainly by radio-astronomical observations. This indicates the high chemical complexity of interstellar clouds even in the extreme condition of low temperature (10-100 K) and low density (102-107 cm-3), which would ultimately be related to an origin of rich substances in the Solar System. Thus, approaches both from physical and chemical view points are indispensable to bridge star/planet formation studies and planetary science of the Solar System. In this talk, I am going to present importance of chemistry in astronomical studies by introducing some observational results.

星の形成は宇宙における最も基本的な構造形成過程であるとともに、星間物質か ら惑星系物質への物質進化の場でもある。したがって、「太陽系のような環境がどれほど宇宙で普遍的に存在するのか?」この究極の問いに答えるためには、物理進化・化学進化の両面から研究展開することが重要である。本講演では、アルマ望遠鏡の観測結果をもとに、そのようなアプローチによる研究成果について紹介する。

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


NASA's Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) mission

榎戸 輝揚(Teruaki ENOTO
京都大学理学研究科(Kyoto UNIVERSITY)

I will present an overview of the NASA's Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) mission which was installed aboard the International Space Station in June 2017. NICER provides high-precision timing measurements of neutron stars, objects containing ultra-dense matter at the threshold of collapse into black holes.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Multi-messenger observations of gravitational wave sources

田中 雅臣(Masaomi TANAKA
東北大学大学院 理学研究科 (TOHOKU UNIVERSITY)

On 17th August 2017, the first gravitational wave (GW) detection from a neutron star merger (GW170817) was achieved. The detection triggered electromagnetic (EM) wave observations over the entire wavelength range, which marked the beginning of a new era of "multi-messenger" astronomy. In this seminar, I briefly review multi-messenger observations of GW170817 and show results of optical and near-infrared observations of the EM counterpart. The observed properties of optical and near-infrared emission are similar to those of theoretically-expected "kilonova", which is powered by radioactive decays of r-process nuclei. I discuss implications for the origin of heavy elements in the Universe.


Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


ESA Planck Mission

Jan Tauber

This talk will present an overview of the Planck mission, including a brief outline of its development and of some of the challenges that it presented. I will then review the most recent Planck data and results, with emphasis on polarization. The use of CMB polarization data from Planck confirms the best-fit Lambda-CDM model obtained with Planck temperature-only data, and improves the accuracy with which cosmological parameters are determined. The most recent results based on polarized E- mode and B-mode CMB power spectra at large angular scales have significant implications on our understanding of the epoch of reionization and primordial gravitational waves. If there is time, I will also present some of the latest analysis of polarized diffuse galactic foreground emissions based on Planck data. Both the synchrotron and dust emission maps obtained from Planck reveal new facets of the galactic interstellar medium.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)



木村 智樹

世界初の惑星専用宇宙望遠鏡である「ひさき」がトリガした国際連携に焦点を当 て、木星圏物理学の研究成果を紹介する。また、これらの成果から得られた知見 や経験に基づき、木星氷衛星探査JUICEが担うべき科学の将来展望についても議論 する。

Place: Shin-A 2F Conf. room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A(1257号室)


Chandra X-Ray Kinematics Study of Young Supernova Remnants

Sangwook Park
University of Texas at Arlington

Supernova remnants are an excellent laboratory to study fundamental subjects of modern astronomy and astrophysics such as stellar evolution and explosion. Realizing the 3-dimensional structure of supernova explosions is critical to understand the explosion physics and the nature of the exploded star. Based on the high resolution grating spectroscopy of Chandra X-ray Observatory, we can perform X-ray kinematic studies of metal-rich stellar debris of supernova explosions to address their 3-D nature. We briefly discuss such kinematic studies of supernova remnants, including our on-going studies of historical events: stellar explosions eye-witnessed in 1987, 1604, and 1572.

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)


Precise and fast computation of gravitational field of general finite body and its application to gravitational study of small asteroids, small satellites, and comets

福島 登志夫(Toshio FUKUSHIMA)

In order to obtain the gravitational field of a general finite body inside its Brillouin sphere, we developed a new method to compute the field accurately. First, the body is assumed to consist of some layers in a certain spherical polar coordinate system and the volume mass density of each layer is expanded as a Maclaurin series of the radial coordinate. Second, the line integral with respect to the radial coordinate is analytically evaluated in a closed form. Third, the resulting surface integrals are numerically integrated by the split quadrature method using the double exponential rule. Finally, the associated gravitational acceleration vector is obtained by numerically differentiating the numerically integrated potential. Numerical experiments confirmed that the new method is capable of computing the gravitational field independently of the location of the evaluation point, namely whether inside, on the surface of, or outside the body. Also, it can provide sufficiently precise field values, say of 14--15 digits for the potential and of 9--10 digits for the acceleration, respectively. Furthermore, its computational efficiency is better than that of the polyhedron approximation. This is because the computational error of the new method decreases much faster than that of the polyhedron models when the number of required transcendental function calls increases.
As an application, we obtained the gravitational field of 433 Eros from its shape model expressed as the 24x24 spherical harmonic expansion by assuming the homogeneity of the object. The developed formulation would be easily applied to the Ryugu once its surface function is roughly estimated and/or precisely determined.
T. Fukushima 2017, Astron. J., 154:145


Place: Shin-A 2F Conf. room A(1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A(1257号室)