
ISAS Space Science Colloquium & Space Science Seminar


Astrochemical Approach to Star and Planet Formation

坂井 南美(Nami SAKAI)

Star and planet formation is one of the most fundamental structure-formation processes in the Universe. Physical processes of star and planet formation have widely been investigated as one of the major targets of astronomy and astrophysics by observations in the entire wavelength region during the last few decades. Although a rough outline of these processes has been presented, there still remain many unknowns and missing links. One of them is when the disk structure is formed around a protostar, and how it is evolved into a protoplanetary disk and eventually to a planetary system. At the same time, understanding the evolution of matter from interstellar clouds to stars and planets is also a goal of astronomy. So far, about 200 interstellar molecules have been identified mainly by radio-astronomical observations. This indicates the high chemical complexity of interstellar clouds even in the extreme condition of low temperature (10-100 K) and low density (102-107 cm-3), which would ultimately be related to an origin of rich substances in the Solar System. Thus, approaches both from physical and chemical view points are indispensable to bridge star/planet formation studies and planetary science of the Solar System. In this talk, I am going to present importance of chemistry in astronomical studies by introducing some observational results.

星の形成は宇宙における最も基本的な構造形成過程であるとともに、星間物質か ら惑星系物質への物質進化の場でもある。したがって、「太陽系のような環境がどれほど宇宙で普遍的に存在するのか?」この究極の問いに答えるためには、物理進化・化学進化の両面から研究展開することが重要である。本講演では、アルマ望遠鏡の観測結果をもとに、そのようなアプローチによる研究成果について紹介する。

Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)