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TOP > Topics > 2005 > ASTRO-EII/M-V-6 successfully launched The satellite nickname is "Suzaku"


ASTRO-EII/M-V-6 successfully launched The satellite nickname is "Suzaku"

The M-V Launch Vehicle No. 6 (M-V-6) with the 23rd scientific satellite (ASTRO-EII) onboard was successfully launched at 12:30 p.m. on July 10, 2005 (Japan Standard Time, JST) from the Uchinoura Space Center (USC). The launch vehicle flew smoothly, and it was confirmed that the satellite was injected into the scheduled orbit.
JAXA received signals from the ASTRO-EII at the Santiago tracking station and the USC, and from those signals we also verified that the ASTRO-EII had successfully separated.
The in-orbit ASTRO-EII was given a nickname of "Suzaku."
We would like to express our appreciation for the cooperation and support from all people and organizations that helped contribute to the successful launch of the M-V-6.

July 10, 2005