Research on ultra-small deep space exploration systems and the GEO-X Mission
Feb. 27, 2024 | Aerospace Project Research Associate, ISAS people
Research Summary

Leading the systems engineering of the GEO-X science and engineering demonstration mission. A small satellite technology development demonstration for increasing the frequency of deep space access from GTO*1 via a hybrid rocket engine, and an instrument to perform topological observations of the Earth magnetosphere from a Highly-Elliptical Earth Orbit during solar wind charge exchange events. Coordinating and supporting the development teams of the project, which consist of the bus system, kick motor development and science instrument, next to tracking of system budgets and full spacecraft model.

As part of research activities, the modelling of spacecraft systems and management of system parameters and mission objectives through the means of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is pursued and utilized in the design and managing of the system development. The methods are established as baseline for development of small spacecraft missions in the future, through the reuse of established methods and models.
- *1 GTO : Geostatonary Transfer Orbit