[ 日本語ページ ]

We will have a symposium on planetary defense (spaceguard). The main theme of this symposium is the issue of celestial bodies colliding with the Earth, and we would like to hold a wide-ranging discussion and exchange of information on the discovery, tracking, physical observation and exploration of near-Earth objects (NEOs), celestial body collisions, Earth collision avoidance, and societal responses. In particular, ESA's Hera was launched in this year, and there has been growing interest in the asteroid Apophis, which will approach Earth in 2029. We hope that many of you who are interested will participate.

*This symposium will be held in collaboration with "The 16th Spaceguard Symposium" by the Japan Spaceguard Association.


Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025 (afternoon), Friday, Feb. 28, 2025 (morning and afternoon)
*The session on Feb. 27th will be in English.


Hybrid (face-to-face and online)
- in-person: Chiba Institute of Technology Tokyo Skytree Town®Campus
- Online: Zoom (connection instructions below)

The symposium will be held at the same location following the "PERC International symposium on Dust & Parent bodies (IDP2025)" (Feb. 25th (Tue) - 27th (Thu), 2025) hosted by the Planetary Exploration Research Center of Chiba Institute of Technology.

Presentation submission

- Those who wish to give a presentation should apply via the symposium system at the following URL.

- User registration is required. For details, please refer to the user manual at the following URL.
If you are already using this system, please use the same ID and password.

- The deadline for presentation submissions is Monday, Feb. 3, 2025.
- Those who will give a presentation must complete the following registration form. (Presentation can be done either in person or online.)


- If you would like to participate, please apply via the following URL depending on whether you would like to attend in person or online.
- If you are attending in person:
Deadline for registration: Friday, Feb. 14, 2025
- If you are participating online:
Zoom ID : 890 2742 1782 Pass code : 776693
Online participation is available until the day of the symposium.

Invited talks (as of December 2024)

- Patrick Michel (CNRS, Côte d'Azur Observatory,)
"European planetary defense space projects and international cooperation"
- Richard Binzel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
"Apophis 2029: Once-per-Millennium Knowledge Opportunity for the Science of Planetary Defense"


JAXA/ISAS and Japan Spaceguard Association cooperated by Chiba Institute of Technology and The Planetary Society of Japan


Makoto Yoshikawa, Tatsuaki Okada, Yuri Shimaki, Yuya Mimasu, Toshifumi Yanagisawa, Hirohisa Kurosaki(JAXA), Shinichiro Okumura, Seitaro Urakawa(Japan Spaceguard Association)


Makoto Yoshikawa, Sachiko Honma(JAXA), Shinichiro Okumura, Seitaro Urakawa(Japan Spaceguard Association), Tomoko Arai, Hiroshi Kimura(Chiba Institute of Technology), Akira Imoto(The Planetary Society of Japan)
Contact: Makoto Yoshikawa (yoshikawa.makoto [AT] jaxa.jp), Sachiko Honma (honma.sachiko [AT] jaxa.jp)