[ 日本語ページ ]
We are pleased to announce that it is the time of the call for Workshop on JAXA Astrodynamics and Flight Mechanics. Thanks to your support, this year we will celebrate the 31st workshop. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been difficult for us to work outside the office or go on business trips, and it has also been difficult for us to organize meetings. This year, as last year, we would like to hold the meeting online.
As space development becomes more sophisticated, the importance of the field of astrodynamics, which is based on applied mechanics but also includes navigation, guidance, and control, seems to be increasing. We believe that it is very meaningful for people involved in JAXA's projects to discuss various research issues with people from universities and research institutes, and to explore the application of theories. As active members of astrodynamics community, we would like to have an opportunity to spend time for pure research and technical discussion.Last year's conference was a great success, with 60 presentations and 150 registered participants. This year, too, our first priority is to secure enough time for presentations, and we plan to publish a satisfactory amount of post-printed papers, with 30 minutes per presentation including enough time for questions. In terms of content, we would like to avoid general discussions such as conceptualization and system description as much as possible, and focus on basic research and technology issues, even though they are simple. We also welcome presentations of incomplete or early-stage research and technology. We also expect the participation of graduate students and young engineers. The reprints will be published in English, and we hope that you will use them as an opportunity to prepare for submissions to future international conferences/journals. Please let us know in advance if you have any problems with the publication of your manuscript. The workshop will also accept presentations of previously published material. However, due to copyright issues, it is possible to request that your manuscript not be published on our conference repository. Astrodynamics does not require the transfer of copyright. We hope that international students will actively apply for this workshop.
With the retirement of Professor Junichiro Kawaguchi, who had been the coordinator of this workshop for many years until last year, the organizing members have been replaced by a new generation. We will continue to make every effort to contribute to the growth and success of the astrodynamics community. We look forward to your continued support and encouragement.
[Symposium Organizers] Saburo Matsunaga (Tokyo Inst. Tech), Toshiyuki Ohtsuka (Kyoto U), Toshio Kamiya (NEC), Shoji Yoshikawa (MELCO), Shinji Hokamoto (Kyusyu U), Katsuhiko Yamada (Osaka Metro. U), Seiya Ueno (Yokohama Nat'l U), Kazuya Yoshida (Tohoku U), Ichiro Nakatani (JAXA emeritus prof.), Takashi Kubota (JAXA), Makoto Yoshikawa (JAXA), Masatoshi Harigae (JAXA), Takanori Iwata (JAXA), Tatsuaki Hashimoto (JAXA), Nobuaki Ishi (JAXA)
[Symposium Coordinators] Yuichi Tsuda,Yasuhiro Kawakatsu, Takanao Saiki, Osamu Mori, Naoya Ozaski, Yuki Takao (JAXA)
Event Date |
July 26 and 27, 2021 9:00~18:00(Japan Standard Time, UTC+9hr) |
Venue |
Online (Zoom meeting) Please enter the room from the link indicated in the "Instruction Manuals" below. Pre-registration to Zoom is required. |
Instruction Manuals |
Manuals for conference participants: |
Program |
【General Sessions】 【Special Lecture】
※ Special lectures will be held in the main room of zoom on each day. |
Abstract Submission |
【Submission deadline: If it's difficult for you to apply through the above website, please fill in the form below and send it by e-mail (astro_secretary@jaxa.jp) |
Outline of Symposium |
The interest of this workshop lies in the astrodynamics as an applied physics, providing a good opportunity for discussing academic research and technical issues on space technology.
The working language is English for International Sessions. |
Paper Submission |
The English paper for all the presentations will be collected after the symposium. |
Contact |
Mika Kinoshita, Symposium secretariat, ISAS/JAXA |