
ISAS Space Science Colloquium & Space Science Seminar


When a computer is surprised and when it is notーMaking computer reliable in space

宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所(ISAS)

In Sci-Fi movies, androids are often depicted as having cold and emotionless character. We may have such impression because most of computers rely on digital processing in which everything is flatly divided into "1" or "0", but--would you believe it?--they are easily surprised and often get upset! It is caused by a strike of tiny invisible particles, fragments of exploding stars a.k.a cosmic ray, but the shock is significant. The shock makes a computer chip surprised and lose its memory, control, and even its fundamental ability to boot up. For successful space missions, we must make chips tough. This talk will present our recent findings such as surprising upsets or digital bit flips of magnetic memories, which are believed to be immune to the shock, and our laser-based "workout" equipment developed for the first time in Japan. Also displayed on the screen is the status of the development of JAXA next-generation space-chips.

Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)