ISAS Space Science Colloquium & Space Science Seminar
What is Nature Astronomy and how do I get published in it?
Nature Astronomy editor
Nature Astronomy, launched in January 2017, is a new research journal published by Springer Nature. Sitting alongside our sister journal Nature, we aim to publish high impact research in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science. In this talk I will cover the motivation and scope of the journal, the types of manuscripts we publish, and what we look for in papers.
Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
CAESAR (Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return)
彗星Sample Return: CAESARミッション
Steven W. Squyres
Cornell University
The CAESAR (Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return) mission which is lead by Prof. Steven Squyres was selected as one of finalists of NASA New Frontiers Program 4.
In CAESAR, JAXA's researchers and engineers contributes the development of the sample return capsule, and Japanese scientist contribute the analysis return sample.
講演者がPIとして率いている国際共同彗星Sample ReturnミッションCAESAR (Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return)は、NASA New Frontiers Program 4の1次選考を通過した。CAESARには、宇宙研はサンプルリターンカプセルの開発で、日本の科学者はリターンサンプルの分析で貢献することになっている。本講演では、日米を含めた国際共同チームで進める本ミッションの意義について紹介する。
Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
藤田 直行
JAXAセキュリティ・情報化推進部 スーパーコンピュータ活用課 課長
Place: Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Detection of Gravitational Wave
Kiwamu Izumi(和泉 究)
JAXA International Top Young Fellow(JAXA宇宙物理学研究系 国際トップヤングフェロー)
Gravitational wave astronomy is beginning for real at this moment.
Following the first detection of gravitational waves from the merger of a binary black hole in 2015, the LIGO and VIRGO collaboration already collected six significant gravitational wave events in total so far, one of which was the merger of a neutron star binary. I had been working at one of the sites, the LIGO Hanford observatory, for five years since 2012 and putting a large effort of making the detectors running with low noise in a robust manner. As one might imagine, the road to these glorious achievements was not easy---perhaps it was rather long and winding. In this seminar, I would like to share the excitement of these detections that I luckily experienced at the site, explain some of the experimental challenges that we encountered and review the current status of the gravitational wave detectors.
Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Space research technology projects at DTU Space, National Space Institute, Denmark: From Cosmic hard X-rays to the Greenland ice cap
Kristian Pedersen
Danish National Space Center General manager(デンマーク国立宇宙センター所長)
DTU Space is leading several high-profile space research technology projects and examples of these will be presented in this talk: Coatings for hard X-ray optics (e.g. NuStar), star trackers, radar- and radiometer systems (e.g. POLARIS), and space magnetometers (e.g. Swarm). Key research results obtained from these instruments will also be presented, e.g. models of the Earth's magnetic field, global sea level reference models, melting of Greenland's ice cap, and properties of neutron stars. Most of the activities strongly benefit from international collaborations with, e.g. NASA and ESA, and now we are reaching out for collaborations with Japan.
Place: Shin-A 2F Conf. room A(1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A(1257号室)
Discovery of new chemical element Nihonium
Koji Morimoto(森本 幸司)
In 2015, element 113, discovered by our research group, was officially recognized as a new chemical element and the naming right was given to our group. This super heavy element was named Nihonium. Nihonium was synthesized by nuclear fusion of atomic nuclei using heavy ion linear accelerator. In this talk, the experiments for synthesizing nihonium will be discussed.
Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
岡 朋治
慶應義塾大学 理工学部
Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
A new dynamical picture of the ISM around AGNs
Keiichi Wada(和田 桂一)
Kagoshima Univ.(鹿児島大学 理工学域理学系)
In a widely accepted picture, optically thick torus plays a key role on obscuring the nucleus in Active Galactic Nuclei. However, its origin and structures have not been clearly understood. Recently we proposed a new dynamic model of the obscuring material, which is driven by the radiation from the AGN (Wada 2012). In this talk, I will review this new picture and its observational tests in multi-wavelength.
Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
電磁界中における粒子のダイナミクスとその惑星探査への応用 -ダストの静電クリーナーについて-
川本 広行
早稲田大学 基幹理工学部
電磁界中における粒子のダイナミクスを基盤的な学理として、これを惑星探 査時に問題となることが予想されるダストのクリーニングに応用する技術について紹介する。また、電磁力を利用したダストのハンドリングに関する研究についても紹介する。
Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
石原 安野
千葉大学 グローバル・プロミネント研究基幹
Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Prospects of Astroparticle Physics using Scientific Balloons
Hideyuki Fuke(福家 英之)
Scientific balloons have contributed to explore the cutting-edge space sciences. With maturing of grown science fields, greater sophistication of ballooning is notably desired to address the remained challenges. To meet this situation, state-of-the-art technologies and borderless cooperation are crucial. Japanese balloon program has unique features and holds a potential to keep contributing to the front-line sciences.
By taking my background, astroparticle physics, as an example, recent progress and future prospects of scientific ballooning will be discussed.
Place: 2F Conf. room(1236) / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
巳谷 真司
こうした撮影にかかる宇宙飛行士の作業時間を減らすため、係留位置から自律的に移動し、対象物の撮影を行う自律移動型船内カメラ「Int-Ball」の開発に2016年6月から着手した。Int-Ballは、2017年3月に開発完了し、同年6月3日にSpaceX Falcon 9によってDragon宇宙船のペイロードとして打ち上げられた。6月15日の最初の飛行制御チェックアウトを皮切りに、現在、飛行性能とカメラ機能の検証中である。Int-Ballは、無重力空間で飛行する世界最小の「ドローン」であり、いま全世界の注目を集めている。今後、Int-Ballの更なる性能向上・機能拡張を図り、JEM船内外実験の自動化・自律化を進めると共に、将来探査ミッション等に利用可能なロボティクス技術の獲得を目指すところである。
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Stellar magnetism, dynamo action and the solar-stellar connection
Allan Sacha Brun
Dept. of Astrophysics, CEA Paris-Saclay & Visiting professor at NAOJ
Solar-like stars are magnetic rotating objects that have a direct impact on their environment. Being able to understand the physical mechanisms behind such an intense magnetic activity is key. It is believe that dynamo action is the source of the magnetic field in solar-like stars and that there is a complex feedback loop between dynamo, rotation and braking by their wind along their secular evolution. By mean of high performance simulations we will discuss how such complex feedback loop comes about and summarise our current understanding of the magnetohydrodynamics of solar-like stars.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
The Importance of Phobos Sample Return for Understanding Mars
Steven Squyres
Cornell University
Martian rocks span a wide range of physical and geologic properties, ranging from dense, crystalline igneous rocks to soft, mechanically weak sediments. They also span a wide range of ages, covering most of the 4. 5-billion-year history of the planet. The SNC meteorites that have arrived on Earth as ejecta from Mars are heavily biased toward strong crystalline materials that can survive high speed ejection. Rocks collected from the martian surface by robotic sample return missions will be biased toward ancient, highly localized sedimentary and aqueous mineral deposits that might preserve evidence of ancient life.
To understand Mars fully, there is a need for a samples that are more broadly representative of the martian crust as a whole. Such samples can be obtained from martian ejecta in the regolith of the martian moons, particularly Phobos. The flux of martian ejecta at Phobos has increased sharply over time as Phobos' orbit has decayed due to tidal forces, so most martian ejecta will be concentrated in the upper meter of the regolith. Martian ejecta on Phobos will include debris accelerated to much lower velocities than SNC meteorites, and therefore should include materials weaker than SNC meteorites. And martian ejecta on Phobos will be from sites distributed widely across the planet. So in addition to revealing the origin of the martian moons, return of a regolith sample from Phobos may provide martian materials that are highly complementary to both SNC meteorites and Mars surface samples.
Place: Shin-A 2F Conf room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A (1257号室)
Volatile delivery to planets in habitable zones during planet formation
井田 茂 (Shigeru Ida)
東京工業大学 地球生命研究所 (ELSI, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Degassed atmospheres of terrestrial planets are composed of volatile elements that condense only in outer, cold disk regions, such as N2, CO2, and H2O. Actually, the Earth is severely depleted in N and C compared to the Solar compositions, and H2O ocean mass is only 0.02 wt.% of the bulk Earth. Atmospheric molecules would have been delivered from the outer regions by some mechanisms such as scattering of volatile- bearing planetesimals by a giant planet(s), radial diffusion of the planetesimals due to mutual scattering, migrations of icy planets due to disk-planet interactions, or migrations of pebbles/planetesimals induced by gas drag during the disk evolution phase where the ice lines of the volatiles move inside of the terrestrial planet orbits. If H2O ices are not delivered to the terrestrial planets, water vapor atmosphere cannot exist. If organic materials are not delivered to the terrestrial planets, N2 or CO2 atmosphere cannot exist. In that case, the terrestrial planets cannot be "habitable" even if their orbits are well within the classical habitable zones. On the other hand, some fraction of H-He gas can also be captured by a terrestrial planet from the protoplanetary disk, if the planet becomes massive enough before the disk gas depletion. This capture also provides volatiles to the planet. Reaction of H in the gas can react with FeO in the magma ocean on the surface of the planet. Because H-He molecules are light, H-He atmosphere tends to escape from the planet on long timescales and heavier elements such as C and N can be dragged with the H-He flow. However, the atmosphere can also retain as main components of the atmosphere, depending on planetary mass and environments. The delivery and capture are determined by planet accretion process. Furthermore, reactions with magma ocean on early planetary surface can change the atmosphere amount and compositions a lot. In the case of pebble accretion, impact- generated magma oceans would not exist because accreting pebbles are decelerated or ablated by atmospheric gas drag. I will explain the current understanding of these issues and I want to discuss open problems.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
The Architecture of Exoplanetary Systems
Joshua Winn
Princeton University
The basic geometry of the Solar System - the shapes, spacings, and orientations of the planetary orbits - has long been a subject of fascination as well as inspiration for planet-formation theories. For exoplanetary systems, those same properties have only recently come into focus. I will review our current knowledge of the occurrence of planets around other stars, their orbital distances and eccentricities, the orbital spacings and mutual inclinations in multiplanet systems, the orientation of the host star's rotation axis, and the properties of planets in binary-star systems. I will also discuss opportunities to improve our understanding with data from the upcoming TESS space mission.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
When a computer is surprised and when it is notーMaking computer reliable in space
宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所(ISAS)
In Sci-Fi movies, androids are often depicted as having cold and emotionless character. We may have such impression because most of computers rely on digital processing in which everything is flatly divided into "1" or "0", but--would you believe it?--they are easily surprised and often get upset! It is caused by a strike of tiny invisible particles, fragments of exploding stars a.k.a cosmic ray, but the shock is significant. The shock makes a computer chip surprised and lose its memory, control, and even its fundamental ability to boot up. For successful space missions, we must make chips tough. This talk will present our recent findings such as surprising upsets or digital bit flips of magnetic memories, which are believed to be immune to the shock, and our laser-based "workout" equipment developed for the first time in Japan. Also displayed on the screen is the status of the development of JAXA next-generation space-chips.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
The JEM-EUSO program: Study of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and atmospheric events from Balloon and International Space Station
Marco Casolino
In this colloquium we will discuss the status and perspectives of the JEM-EUSO missions, carried forth by a collaboration of about 300 researchers from 16 countries, to study Ultra-High Energy comic rays, strange quark matter and terrestrial phenomena with balloon- and space-borne detectors.In particular we will discuss the recent EUSO-SPB (Super Pressure Balloon) flight. Launch took place from Wanaka, New Zealand, in April 2017. EUSO-SPB is the second balloon flight (the first one was from Canada in 2014) using Fresnel lens optics (manufactured in Riken) and Multi-Anode Photomultipliers in the focal surface. We will also discuss the MINI-EUSO mission, to be launched on board the International Space Station (ISS) in beginning 2018. MINI-EUSO is a 25cm diameter, Fresnel lens optics using a similar Focal surface to the one of SPB. It will observe the Earth from the UV-transparent window of the Russian Service module. Its main goals are the search of strange quark matter, study of meteors, Transient Luminous Effects occurring in the upper layers of the atmosphere and seach for E>5e20 eV UHECR events. Future work for a second SPB flight and the construction of K-EUSO, the first large area space UHECR observatory will also be addressed.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Studying the Early Universe with NASA's JWST
Alberto Conti
Northrop Grumman
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is NASA's next orbiting observatory and the scientific successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. JWST is an international collaboration between NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is managing the overall development effort. Northrop Grumman is NASA's main industrial partner, and the Space Telescope Science Institute will operate JWST after launch.
During my remarks, I will discuss the current state of the telescope development and address the science that JWST is planning on targeting in the areas of galaxy formation and evolution.
Place: Shin-A 2F Conf room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A (1257号室)
浅島 誠
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
山岸 明彦
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Development of Hyper Suprime-Cam and a search for clusters of galaxies via weak lensing(Hyper Suprime-Cam の開発と弱重力レンズ効果を利用した銀河団探査)
宮崎 聡
Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is an 870 Megapixel prime focus optical imaging camera for the 8.2 m Subaru telescope. The wide field corrector delivers sharp images of 0.2 arcsec FWHM in the HSC-i band over the entire 1.5 degree diameter field of view. The collimation of the camera with respect to the optical axis of the primary mirror is done with hexapod actuators whose mechanical accuracy is few microns.
Analysis of the remaining wavefront error in off-focus stellar images reveals that the collimation of the optical components meets design specifications. While we observe the effect of flexure of the mechanical components, the impact on image qualities is limited. As a result, the camera realizes seeing-limited imaging on Mauna Kea most of the time; the median image size at the field center measured on several years of a coordinated legacy survey observation is 0.56 arc-sec FWHM in the i-band. In this talk, we will present the development of the camera and some initial results on the dark matter mapping via weak gravitational lensing.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Observational Studies of Galaxy Formation and Cosmic Reionization: Progresses and Problems(銀河形成と宇宙再電離:現状と課題)
大内 正己
東京大学 宇宙線研究所
I review the recent progresses in observational studies about galaxy formation and cosmic reionization, focusing on results from our group. Nowadays, deep optical and near-infrared observations with Hubble Space Telescope and 10m-class ground-based telescopes photometrically identify and spectroscopically confirm galaxies up to z~10. Evolution of major galaxy quantities (incl. abundance and morphology) is revealed at this redshift range. Although there exist large uncertainties in physical parameters, most of observational results suggest that star-forming galaxies at z>6 are major sources of cosmic reionization. Interestingly, the four independent observational measurements of the cosmic star-formation rate density, stellar mass density, metal abundance, and CMB Thomson scattering optical depth are consistently explained with simple physical equations, indicating that a rough observational picture of galaxy formation and cosmic reionization may be established. I finally discuss open questions about galaxy formation and our planned observations with next generation telescopes, especially with James Webb Space Telescope.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
藤田 智弘
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Michel Blanc
International Space Science Institute, Beijing
土星探査機Cassiniが9・15に土星大気に突入してグランド・フィナー レを迎えたことは記憶に新しいですが、Michel Blanc 氏は、その interdisciplinary scientistsを務めてこられました。また、今ではJUICEという形で結実した企画のオリジナル版であるLAPLACEの創設者団のリーダーでした。Cassiniの成果(氷衛星Enceladusからのプリュームの発見、つまり、地下海のあることを証明 )が契機となってJUICEが立ち上がり、その計画の成熟とともに巨大惑星系にある氷衛星の世界への興味が高まっています。
Place: Nyusatsu/Conf.room(1134) / 研究管理棟1階入札会議室(1134号室)
堀之内 武
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Science of Shadows
Thomas Zurbuchen
Space Science Directorate, NASA
From studying the solar corona to providing precise measurements of the orbit of an object in deep space, scientists continue to develop new uses for eclipses nearly every year. And with the recent total solar eclipse across the United States, scientists and non-scientists alike have been captivated by the knowledge gained when one astronomical body passes in front of another. However, eclipses are not unique to Earth, the Moon and the Sun; similar phenomena, called transits or occultations, occur between different stars, planets and moons. On occasion, these events can be seen from Earth (with the help of telescopes and other instruments) or by satellites. During this talk, we will first review the 2017 total solar eclipse through the eyes of NASA. We will then discuss how eclipse-like events are being used to study bodies within our solar system as well as discover worlds beyond.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
佐藤 薫
東京大学 大学院理学系研究科 地球惑星科学専攻
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
瀬原 敦子
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Strategic Priority Program of CAS on Space Science
National Space Science Center (NSSC), the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Since 1970, China launched its first satellite, there have been more than 100 satellites launched. Among them few are space science missions. The situation has been changed since 2000, particularly in recent years. In the lecture, China's past, present and future space science missions will be given detailed introductions. Namely the Double Star Program, the Dark Matter Explorer, the Microgravity and life science recoverable satellite mission, the Quantum Experiments in Space Scale and Hard X ray Modulation Telescope, etc. At the same time, the management procedure of the missions, from its proposal till the operation will be also introduced.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
十亀 昭人
宇宙建築という分野の概要について、これまで3年にわたって開催してきた宇宙建築賞というコンペティションや、その他の研究紹介、また、宇宙建築の研究のなかで生まれた地上建築物へのスピンオフ技術の紹介を通して説明します。宇宙建築賞は、将来の宇宙居住のために、建築的なアイデアを募り、これまでにない宇宙建築の提案を行ってもらうという趣旨で、3年前より、山崎直子さんや、川口淳一郎 先生など多くの方々にご協力を頂きながら開催してきました。ここではその入選作品をご紹介します。また、これまでに研究を行ってきた3次元展開構造物の概要について説明し、将来の月面施設計画などへの応用例などについてご紹介します。更に、宇宙建築の要素を取り込んだ神奈川県に建つ地上の住宅建築についてもご紹介します。
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
NASA's MAVEN Mission to Mars:Discoveries from the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph
Nick Schneider
Laboratory for Atmospheric & Space Physics, U. Colorado
The Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) is the sole planetary remote sensing instrument on the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission(MAVEN). Although many past Mars missions have carried UV spectrographs, IUVS has many new and unique capabilities which have enabled unexpected discoveries. New insights span every region of the Mars atmosphere, from polar ozone near the surface to escaping hydrogen many planetary radii away. In between, IUVS offers new insights on cloud formation, meteor ablation, nightglow, waves & tides, Mars D/H and long-term atmospheric evolution. One of the most profound sets of discoveries relates to auroral processes on Mars. Aurora were expected to differ from Earth's due to Mars' lack of a global magnetic field, but surprising IUVS results are offering a new paradigm for stellar influences on non-magnetized planets. This paradigm shift could have implications beyond the solar system for billions of extrasolar planets which may or may not have global magnetic fields.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Finding patterns in planets
Elizabeth Tasker
宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所
In the last twenty years, we have discovered around 3,500 exoplanets. As new missions threaten to explode that number to even greater proportions, the challenge becomes how we analyse this data. Neural networks offer a potential way to find patterns within the exoplanet properties that allow planets to be categorised more successfully that can be done by eye. Such a technique has the advantage of handling large datasets and also the potential to analysis the data without using preconceived ideas about planet populations based on existing formation theories. This talk will discuss how successful such an approach has been.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
原 進
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
The Power of High Resolution X-ray spectroscopy
Ehud Behar
Physics Department, Israel Institute of Technology
The talk will provide an overview of atomic spectroscopy methods for astrophysics and the multitude of physical diagnostics that can be achieved.
Recent results from Chandra and XMM-Newton grating spectrometers and prospects for X-ray Astronomy Recovery Mission will also be presented.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) 計画の紹介
赤堀 卓也
2020年代の大型望遠鏡時代にセンチ波・メートル波の観測を担う電波望遠鏡の計画 SKA (Square Kilometer Array) の計画の概要と日本における検討の現状を報告する。
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
CNES, its program and its transformation
CNES (the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales)
CNES, the French Space Agency was created 56 years ago in 1961 for two main purposes: to propose the Space French Policy to the French Government and to implement this policy and relative programmes in all fields of Space activities. Thus, from the very beginning CNES has developed two different and complementary roles: agency and technical centre. This is still the case but of course everything has evolved a lot from 1961. This evolution seems to accelerate now with what is called the "New Space".
After the presentation of CNES, its four centres, its budget, its programmes and the way to manage them, the presentation will focus on the evolutions needed for "historical" Space agencies and the way CNES decided to manage these changes in taking into account new applications of space data, in changing the positioning of the Agency in the overall French space ecosystem in order to better prepare the future, run our programmes and work differently with industry.
Place: Shin-A 2F Conf room A (1257) / 新A棟2階会議室A (1257号室)
Black hole feedback and chemical enrichment in clusters of galaxies
Norbert Werner
Eotvos University Budapest
In the course of structure formation, only a small fraction of the baryons turned into stars - most remain in a diffuse hot intergalactic medium. The growth and evolution of galaxies is controlled by feedback processes, such as energy and metal input to the IGM from supernovae, and from the jets and winds of accreting supermassive black holes. I will start my talk by presenting observational results on the role of supermassive black holes in maintaining a delicate balance between heating and cooling in clusters of galaxies. I will present measurements from the Hitomi satellite, which show that the jets emanating from the central supermassive black hole are stirring the hot intra-cluster medium. Then, I will show the results of X-ray and other multi-wavelength observations for ~30 nearby giant elliptical galaxies, and discuss how is the black hole feedback cycle maintained, suppressing star formation and keeping these galaxies 'red and dead'. Finally, I will zoom out and present Suzaku measurements of a uniform metal abundance distribution in the cluster outskirts, which indicates that supermassive black holes played an important role in the distant past.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Team HAKUTO, a Challenger to Google Lunar XPRIZE
吉田 和哉
Google Lunar XPRIZE is a world-wide competition to send a probe onto the surface of the Moon, then get more than 500m travel and send HDTV quality images/video clips back to the Earth, by a non-government project. Team HAKUTO is an only team challenging to this competition and currently one of five finalists. The team's technology is provided from Prof. Kazuya Yoshida at Tohoku University, while the management and fundraising activities are conducted by a start-up company, ispace technology inc.
In this talk, the technology development for the mobile robot of team HAKUTO, named "SORATO," is elaborated from the engineering aspect.In addition, future vision on Lunar exploration beyond the XPRIZE is addressed.
Place: Nyusatsu/Conf.room(1134)/ A棟1階入札・会議室(1134号室)
変化の先頭に立つ輸送系開発研究の提案 〜本音は、安くすることばかりでなく、どうやったら面白くなるかを考えたいと思っているんです〜
徳留 真一郎
変化の先頭に立つために、宇宙研の価値観や強みを活かして取り組むべき輸送系開発研究の試案について述べたい。飛翔体研究の最終目標として、再使用型SSTO(Single Stage To Orbit)システムを目指す道筋について、具体的な研究テーマも織り交ぜながら提案する。
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
大山 聖
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
世界で起きている宇宙システム開発の流れ ~ImPACTプログラム「オンデマンド即時観測が可能な小型合成開口レーダ衛星システム」での狙い~
白坂 成功
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
村上 祐資
Mars160 Executive Officer, The Mars Society
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Ion Beam Deflection of Asteroids: From Planetary Protection to Asteroid Science
Claudio Bombardelli
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
高柳 匡
京都大学 基礎物理学研究所
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Enabling Humanity's First Interstellar Missions
Philip M. Lubin
Physics Dept, University of California, Santa Barbara
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
三田 吉郎
微細加工「オープンプラットフォーム」と相乗り集積回路試作によって、研究者が手軽に高信頼の新規機能半導体素子(例「60Vを発生する 高信頼集積化シリコン太陽電池」)を作れる時代が到来しました。講演 ではその秘密を探ります。
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Imaging Super-Massive Black Hole with International Millimeter -Wave VLBI Observations
本間 希樹
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a global mm/sub-mm VLBI array to directly observe the shadow of super-massive black holes. The EHT has been promoted by world-wide collaboration, and in April 2017 the first EHT observations including ALMA will be conducted with an expectation that structures in the vicinity of the event horizons will be revealed particularly toward the target sources Sgr A* and M87. In this talk, I will summarize the current status of EHT and also science results obtained so far. Also, I will introduce our new imaging technic based-on "sparse modeling", which aims at obtaining better resolution in imaging black holes, and discuss the future prospect of the science with the EHT.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Understanding the dynamics and energetics of magnetic reconnection in a laboratory plasma
Masaaki Yamada
Princeton Plasma Physics laboratory, Princeton University
Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process at work in laboratory, space and astrophysical plasmas, in which magnetic field lines change their topology and convert magnetic energy to plasma particles by acceleration and heating. I will present a short review of recent discoveries and findings in the research of fast magnetic reconnection in laboratory, space, and astrophysical plasmas.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
Microlensing exoplanet search toward the solar system analog
Takahiro Sumi
Osaka University
Although thousands of exoplanets have been found by various methods, not many solar system planets analogs have been detected. Some Jupiter and Saturn analogs and a few Earth-like plants have been found only very recently. Gravitational microlensing has an unique sensitivity to exoplanets outside the snow-line down to the Earth-mass, where the planetary formation is very active. The MOA-II and OGLE-IV carries out microlensing exoplanet search toward the Galactic Bulge in New Zealand and Chile, respectively. These surveys are detecting various kinds of systems, including the Jupiter-Saturn analog, the Neptune analog and the 2-Earth mass planet at 1AU around one of the binary stars. The Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) is the NASA's future large space mission, which is scheduled to be launched in 2024. The exoplanet microlensing program is one of the primary science of WFIRST. WFIRST will find about 3000 bound planets and 2000 unbound planets by the high precision continuous survey with 15 min. cadence, which is sensitive to all the solar system analogs except the Mercury. WFIRST can complete the statistical census of planetary systems in the Galaxy, from the outer habitable zone to the outside of the snow-line and gravitationally unbound planets ? a discovery space inaccessible to other exoplanet detection techniques.
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)
永田 晴紀
Place: 2F Conf. room / 研究管理棟2階会議場(1236号室)