
ISAS Space Science Colloquium & Space Science Seminar



宇宙赤外線背景放射は宇宙初期起源か? ~ロケット実験CIBER/CIBER-2・EXZIT/SPSと将来の計画
What is the origin of the cosmic near-infrared background ? ~CIBER/CIBER-2 experiment, EXZIT/SPS, and future

松浦 周二
関西学院大学 理工学部 物理学科 教授

The extragalactic background light (EBL) is the integrated intensity of all photons emitted by stars and galaxies along a line of sight throughout the cosmic history. While the objects in early universe are too faint to detect individually, measuring the EBL is potentially a powerful probe to search for such objects.
In particular, redshifted ultraviolet radiation from primordial galaxies and black holes during cosmic reionization has been proposed as a measurable component of the near-infrared (NIR) EBL. In this talk, I summarize results of previous attempt to measure the NIR EBL, and I show recent result of the mean spectrum and anisotropy of the NIR EBL from a sounding rocket experiment CIBER. I would give discussions on the EBL properties in terms of its origin, and also introduce successive sounding rocket experiment CIBER-2, interplanetary space telescope EXZIT/SPS, and future missions for further study of the NIR EBL.

Place: 2F Conf room



圦本 尚義


Place: 宇宙研 A棟2階 大会議場(宇宙科学研究所相模原キャンパス)



小林 泰三
福井大学 准教授


Place: 宇宙研 A棟2階 大会議場(宇宙科学研究所相模原キャンパス)


Critical Tests of Theory of the Early Universe using the Cosmic Microwave Background

小松 英一郎

The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the fossil light of the Big Bang, is the oldest light that one can ever hope to observe in our Universe. The CMB provides us with a direct image of the Universe when it was still an “infant” - 380,000 years old - and has enabled us to obtain a wealth of cosmological information, such as the composition, age, geometry, and history of the Universe. Yet, can we go further and learn about the primordial universe, when it was much younger than 380,000 years old, perhaps as young as a tiny fraction of a second? If so, this gives us a hope to test competing theories about the origin of the Universe at ultra high energies. In this talk I present the results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite that I contributed, and then discuss the recent results from the Planck satellite (in which I am not involved). Finally, I discuss future prospects on our quest to probe the physical condition of the very early Universe.

Place: Meeting room 1134 (Main building 1F)



中須賀 真一

宇宙システムの高コスト化に多くの国が苦しむ中、数桁安い低コストときわめて短い開発期間を特徴とした超小型衛星(一般に100kg以下)が世界中で開発され、多くの新しいプレーヤーによるGame Changeが起こりつつある。東京大学でも、2003年の1kg衛星(CubeSat)の世界初の打ち上げ運用成功を皮切りに、7機の衛星の打ち上げと運用に成功し、「教育」から「実用」へと経験を重ねてきた。2014年は「超小型衛星利用元年」、6m分解能の光学リモセン衛星「ほどよし4号」をはじめとする3機の地球観測衛星や深宇宙マイクロ探査機「PROCYON」などが打ちあがり、さまざまな技術の軌道上実証やビジネス利用実験に成功した。超小型衛星の重要な応用分野の一つが宇宙科学・探査。多くの宇宙科学の研究者が自身のミッションを通常の衛星では、なかなか実プロジェクト化できない現状において、超小型衛星はその一つのソリューションを与える。もちろん中大型衛星と同じことはできないため、何を削り、何に集中して成果を出すか、そのぎりぎりの選択が求められる。講演では、東京大学の超小型衛星開発の歴史と、その衛星の特徴や技術、重要な考慮点などを議論する。

Place: 宇宙研 A棟2階 大会議場(宇宙科学研究所相模原キャンパス)


Spectroscopic approach to Galactic Archaeology and stellar evolution

青木 和光
国立天文台 TMT推進室

Large surveys of metal-poor stars and follow-up high-resolution spectroscopy have been providing rich information on first stars, formation and early chemical evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy, evolution of low mass stars etc. I will provide a brief overview of spectroscopic studies of metal-poor stars in the past decade and current observing projects, including our program to search for metal-poor stars with LAMOST and follow-up observation with Subaru.
Contributions of astrometry and stellar seismology by space missions (e.g., Gaia, Kepler, TESS), as well as spectroscopic studies with future ground-based telescopes (e.g., TMT) will be discussed.

Place: Meeting room 1134 (Main building 1F)


Formation and evolution of organic matter in meteorites

癸生川 陽子
横浜国立大学 理工学部 准教授


Place: Meeting room 1257 (Main building 2F)



安養寺 正之
九州大学 工学部


Place: 宇宙研 A棟2階 大会議場(宇宙科学研究所相模原キャンパス)



嶋 英志
JAXA 第三研究ユニット


Place: 宇宙研 A棟2階 大会議場(宇宙科学研究所相模原キャンパス)


Deep galaxy surveys using ALMA

河野 孝太郎
東京大学 天文教育学研究センター


Place: 2F Conf room



佐藤 達彦


Place: 宇宙研 A棟2階 大会議場(宇宙科学研究所相模原キャンパス)


High resolution observations of protoplanetary disks with ALMA ~Signs of protoplanets in a disk ?~

Munetake Momose
Ibaraki University

The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) startedits science operation in 2011. Thanks to its high sensitivity and mapping capability, ALMA has revealed detailed structure ofnearby protoplanetary disks, providing us with new informations about the formation of a planetary system in general. In particular,long-baseline campaign observations of HL Tau with ~3 au resolution detected ring-gap structure in the protoplanetary disk, demonstrating that ALMA is a powerful instrument for exploring disks around young stars. Possible formation mechanisms of the rings around HL Tau, including gap-opening by a protoplanet formed within a timescale of 1Myr, will be discussed in this talk. Other observational results about disks that manifest ring-gap structure, such as TW Hya and so called "transitional disks", will also be reviewed.

Place: 2F Conf room



Hitoshi Murayama


Place: 2F Conf room


Diversity of Type Ia Supernovae Unveiled by Suzaku and Hitomi Observations

Hiroya Yamaguchi


Place: 2F Conf room



Hiroaki Tanaka
National Defense Academy of Japan

人工衛星を用いたミッションの高度化に伴い、衛星搭載用の望遠鏡やアンテナと言った大型の衛星搭載機器も、より高精度であることが求められている。 その様な高精度な機器の実現に向け、スマート構造を用いて高い精度を得る宇宙構造システムが研究・開発されている。我々も次世代のより高度な科学ミッショ ンの実現にむけて、圧電アクチュエータを用いた高精度な衛星搭載用アンテナシステム(スマートリフレクタ)の研究・開発を進めており、アンテナシステムと しての機能実証など開発が進んでいる。本講演では、そのような取り組みのについて紹介する。

Place: 2F Conf room


ESA Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer - The Emergence of Habitable Worlds: Science and Mission Analysis

Arnaud Boutonnet

Following a launch in 2022, JUICE will target Jupiter to reach the planet in 2029. A complex trajectory involving not less than 29 fly-bys of the Galilean moons is baselined. Ultimately the spacecraft will be injected into orbit around Ganymede. The objective of this presentation is to give an overview the scientific motivations, as well as to give a detailed presentation of the trajectory design that satisfies not only the scientific requirements, but also the mission and operational constraints.

Place: 2F Conf room


Recent Innovation on Nuclear Emulsion Experiments and GRAINE(Gamma-Ray Astro-Imager with Nuclear Emulsion)

Shigeki Aoki
U.of Kobe

Nuclear emulsion techniques are remarkably innovated recently.As well as particle and nuclear experiments, they are also used for taking tomographical image of large scale structures using cosmic-ray muon.
Applying these innovated technique, we are now developing a balloon-borne emulsion telescope in order to observe cosmic gamma-ray in higher resolution than ever. I introduce recent innovations of the nuclear emulsion, first outcome of the balloon experiment of the emulsion telescope and the road-map of the GRAINE project.


Place: 2F Conf room


The Future of Very High Energy Astrophysics

Rene Ong

The field of very high energy (VHE) astrophysics had been revolutionized by the results from ground-based gamma-ray telescopes, including the current imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope (IACT) arrays: HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS.
A worldwide consortium of scientists from 32 countries has formed to develop the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) that will capitalize on the power of this technique to greatly expand the scientific reach of ground-based gamma-ray telescopes. CTA science topics will include the origin of cosmic rays and cosmic particle acceleration, understanding extreme environments in regions close to neutron stars and black holes, and exploring physics frontiers through, e.g., the search for WIMP dark matter, axion-like particles and Lorentz invariance violation.
CTA is envisioned to consist of two large arrays of Cherenkov telescopes, one in the southern hemisphere and one in the north. Each array will contain telescopes of different sizes to provide a balance between cost and array performance over an energy range from 20 GeV to above 100 TeV. Compared to the existing IACT arrays, CTA will have substantially better angular resolution and energy resolution, will cover a much wider energy range, and will have up to an order of magnitude better sensitivity. CTA will also be operated as an open observatory and high-level CTA data will be placed into the public domain; these aspects will enable broad participation in CTA science from the worldwide scientific community.
This talk will review the scientific motivation and capabilities of CTA, provide an overview of the technical design and the status of prototype development, and summarize the current status of the project in terms of its proposed organization and timeline.

Place: 2F Conf room


The exoplanet revolution

Giovanna Tinetti
University College London

Our knowledge of planets other than the eight “classical” Solar System bodies is in its infancy. We are discovering thousands of planets orbiting stars other than our own, and yet we know little about their chemistry, formation and evolution. Planetary science therefore stands at the threshold of a revolution in our knowledge and understanding of our place in the Universe: just how special are the Earth and our Solar System? It is only by undertaking a comprehensive chemical survey of the exoplanet population that we can hope to answer these critical questions. Little more than ten years ago, the detection of a signal from an exoplanetary atmosphere was still in the realm of science fiction. Pioneering results were then obtained through transit and direct imaging spectroscopy with Hubble, Spitzer and ground-based facilities, making it possible the detection of ionic, atomic and molecular species and of the planet’s thermal structure. With the arrival of improved or dedicated instruments in the coming decade, planetary science will expand beyond the narrow boundaries of our Solar System to encompass our whole Galaxy.

数千個の系外惑星が発見されつつある近年は、惑星の理解についての革命期にあ る。さらに、今後の観測手法の発展により、惑星科学は太陽系から銀河系に拡張 されることが期待される。

Place: 2F Conf room



Fabio Favata

The Science Programme has been the backbone of the European Space Agency (ESA) since its inception. In its 50 years lifespan it has achieved a number of remarkable successes, and has met a a number of challenges. It has also been a linchpin of international cooperation, having collaborated with all major space faring entities worldwide. The talk will present the Programme's status today, describe its planning and opportunities for the short-term future, and discuss the longer-term opportunities and challenges in an evolving world context.

Place: 2F Conf room



Hiroyuki Tanaka
U.of Tokyo


Place: 2F Conf room



Yasuteru Sigeta
U. of Tsukuba


In recent years, the discovery of a number of exoplanets and establishment of international collaborative research projects such as ALMA and Subaru enable us to accumulate experimental data to reveal biosignatures in space and the origin of life. Along with their observation, theoretical analyses on the observation data and understanding the underlying mechanisms of them by first-principles calculations become of great importance in this field. In this presentation, our recent researches concerning about astrobiology using the first-principles calculations such as an origin of enantiomeric excess of amino acid, synthetic process of amino acid in space, and a model for biosignature in exoplanets and so on will be presented. We also introduce the research activities and post-K computer projects in our computer center.

Place: 2F Conf room



Naohiro Takahashi
U. of Tokyo


Place: 2F Conf room


Optical Lattice Clocks: Seeking for a New Second

Hidetoshi Katori
U. of Tokyo


Place: 2F Conf room


Star formation and interstellar medium in our Galactic environment and in extragalaxies up to billions of light years

Viktor Toth
Eotvos University, Budapest

I will review our results on star formation and interstellar medium using AKARI point source and sky brightness data. Studies of the nearby Galactic star forming regions, galaxies of the Local Universe, and extragalaxies beyond a redshift of z=2 will be reported.

I will briefly talk about:

  • - an unbiased search for the coldest star forming interstellar cloud cores
  • - young stellar objects discovered with applied statistics
  • - attempts to classify local galaxies
  • - estimations on the interstellar medium in gamma-ray burst host galaxies.

Place: 2F Conf room


Black holes: Einstein's gravity and rocket science!

Chris Done
Durham University

I will review how black holes went from a speculative extension of Einstein's gravity to a mainstream observational science via the development of rockets and X-ray astronomy at the start of the space age. I will show how we now use the X-rays from accreting black holes to test General Relativity in the strong field limit, and how this is strengthened even further by the recent detection of gravitational waves.

Place: 2F Conf room


Lessons from Cosmic Gamma-Ray Line Observations with INTEGRAL

Roland Diehl
Max Planck Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Germany

Telescopes for gamma rays in the nuclear energy window need to be operated from space. The Compton telescope technique is the best method for obtaining imaging and spectral information simultaneously, and had been used for the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. The INTEGRAL space observatory then employed coded mask imaging as another technique, more adapted to the energies of the hard X-ray regime and with less complex detectors. Gamma-ray lines from cosmic sources arise from radioactive decay of unstable isotopes co-produced by nucleosynthesis, from energetic collisions among atomic nuclei which may excite nuclei, and from interstellar annihilation of positrons ejected from a variety of candidate sources. ESA s INTEGRAL space mission since its launch in 2002 measures such lines, thus complementing the earlier survey of NASA s Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory with precision spectroscopy. Nuclei are mainly 56Ni, 57Ni, 44Ti, 26Al, and 60Fe, each from their characteristic sources; also positron annihilation has been measured and mapped throughout the Galaxy both in the 511 keV line and positronium continuum. In this talk we will present the instrumental technique and the INTEGRAL mission, then discuss results, addressing astrophysics of supernova explosions, black hole accretion, transport of nucleosynthesis ejecta around massive star groups, and galactic structure & interstellar medium aspects.

Place: 2F Conf room



Kajita Takaaki
U. of Tokyo


Place: 2F Conf room


The Deployment and Mobility of Landers on Small Asteroids

Simon Tardivel
NASA(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Abstract: In the past two decades, several missions have greatly improved our understanding of small bodies: NEAR-Shoemaker, Hayabusa, Deep Impact, Rosetta, and many others. The next step of this exploration is to deploy landers to the surface to provide in-situ measurements.
The extremely low gravity of asteroid environments makes this task much easier thanusual planetary entries and descents. Yet it comes with other difficulties: the JAXA lander Minerva (on Hayabusa) didn't reach the surface, while the ESA lander Philae (on Rosetta) unexpectedly bounced for hours.
This presentation will summarize work undertaken at the University of Colorado and at JPL regarding the deployment of landers to an asteroid surface. Unlike for more massive bodies, the orbital and surface motion cannot be examined separately, leading to unique implementation challenges.
Successful deployments must exploit the unique orbital mechanics present making use of the natural equilibrium points of the system and their manifolds. They must also account for and use the complex surface features and their non-intuitive dynamics as they naturally drive the lander to uneven terrain with average low slopes. Both the astrodynamics and the surface dynamics then allow the formulation of deployment strategies for near-term missions, such as Mascot now flying aboard Hayabusa-2.

Place: 2F Conf room


The first direct detection of Gravitaional Wave

ANDO Masaki
U. of Tokyo

The first detection of Gravitational Waves (GWs) was achieved by LIGO, and the new field of 'GW astronomy' was started. With its nature of strong transmissivity, GW can be a new probe to understand the universe. The targets will be black holes, high-energy astrophysical phenomena, such as supernovae and binary mergers, as well as the early universe. In a near future, adding one or more ground-based GW antennae (VIRGO, KAGRA, LIGO-India) to LIGO will increase the information extracted from observed signals. After that, in addition to the upgrade of these antenna, space-borne GW antennae (LISA, DECIGO) will open another new window to the universe. In this seminar, I will review the LIGO discovery, and will discuss the future possibilities in the GW astronomy.

Place: 2F Conf room


Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory Plasmas

C. Z. Cheng
U. of Tokyo

Magnetic reconnection is a key physical mechanism of converting magnetic energy into plasma energy. In solar and stellar flares, magnetic reconnection plays the essential role of accelerating electrons to MeV energy and ions to GeV energy. In the planetary magnetospheres, the magnetic reconnection plays the critical role of solar-wind magnetosphere interaction so that solar wind particles can enter magnetosphere and be stored in the plasma sheet and magnetotail. When the plasma energy in the plasma sheet is too high, substorms can occur to dump plasma and energy into the ionosphere and reconfigure the plasma and magnetic field in the magnetotail. In laboratory magnetic confinement fusion plasmas, magnetic reconnection is the mechanism of causing plasma disruption in tokamaks. It has also been employed to convert magnetic energy into plasma energy to startup plasmas with ion temperature in the fusion reactor plasma regime. In this talk I will present the basic physics of magnetic reconnection and the historical development of magnetic reconnection theories/simulations. Then, I will explain the magnetic reconnection process in solar flares and coronal mass ejections phenomena and in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas.

Place: 2F Conf room