Observational Astrophyics

The Universe is evolving from the big bang to the present, it predicts that the averaged temperature of the matter at inter galactic space is growing up above million kelvins, and is shining in X-ray. "Bullet cluster" is one of extreme examples of dynamical motion of dark and normal matters. X-ray observations revealed that the hot plasma over Mpc scale is colliding behind cluster of galaxies.

Also galaxies and our Galaxy shines in X-ray. It implies us the gravitational potential, the origin and composition of the hot inter-stellar medium.

What is behind the current observation ? What we can see next ? Very dim plasma alomg the large scale structure will be observed by X-ray Oxygen emission lines. Also there could be signal from dark matter itself, and first celestial bodies.

Trial to pursue the nature of dark matters from observations have been done in every wavelength including X-rays.
A new probe !

XRISM was launched in 2023 September and has started observations with fine X-ray imaging-spectroscopy. It opens a new eye to
understand the Universe.
Development of New Technologies

TES X-ray calorimeter uses a transition from superconducting to normal resistance as a thermometer, and enable to measure X-ray energy with very accurate resolution. We fabricate these sensors in-house laboratory, and use for space and ground application. Same kind of sensor array will be used for Athena.
TES X線カロリメータは超伝導遷移端を温度計として使用することで、X線のエネルギーを精度よく測定することができる。私たちは宇宙研でこの素子を作り、宇宙観測や地上応用に役立てています。

To improve the image quality, larger format array is required. A Microwave SQUID multiplexier (MW-MUX) combined with a TES array can read more than a few 100 pixels by a single line.

Axions are promising candidates of Dark Matter in the Universe. If there are, they can be generated in the Sun by interactions with 57Fe, which can be again converted to 14.4 keV X-ray photon on ground. We are developing special TES microcalorimeter to search for them.
暗黒物質候補であるアクシオンは,太陽中で57Feと反応し,再度14.4 keV光子になりうるものがあると考えられています。探索のための特別なTESカロリメータを製作しています。