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HINODE Operation Remarks 0051

ALMA-C5 campaign



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The ALMA Joint observatory plans the solar observation on Tuesday and Wednesday, as follows

ALMA Solar Observing Period: 14:00 — 19:00UT
(The elevation of the Sun in the period is over 40 degrees that is the lower limit for ALMA solar observations)

Tuesday (8/28): 2017.1.01059.S PI: Hardi Peter
Wednesday (8/29): 2017.1.00009.S PI: Joten Okamoto

Target information (coordinates, etc) will be sent to you by PI directly, I think.

<<To: Hardi and Joten>>
Please send the target information (coordinates and reference time) until following time.
[Deadline of the draft plan for Hinode] 01:00UT 27-Aug-2018
[Deadline of the final plan for Hinode] 01:00UT 28-Aug-2018
If you want to coordinate with IRIS, please ask IRIS planner about the deadline.

Dear Masumi,

here a preliminary target for the ALMA coordinated observation on Tue, Aug 28.

The ALMA observations are scheduled for about 2.5 hours between 13 and 19 UT.
I hope to get a more detailed timing tomorrow (Mon).

The target is the AR that emerged a few days ago. On Aug 14 around 17 UT it was at Solar X,Y = +345h, +6h. For whatever reason Helioviewer is not showing me a more recent image that that date. I attach a screenshot to show the target.

I do hope that information is sufficient at this point for the draft plan.

We entered the coordinates into the ALMA system and plan to update it as good as we can tomorrow (Mon). Will you need the final pointing directly from us, or do you take this directly from ALMA?

All the best,


Dear COs,

My ALMA observation is scheduled on August 29.

Now we do not have a good off-limb prominence close to the ARs.
Hence, the tentative target is an on-disk one.

Tentative pointing: (+280", +530") at 14 UT on Aug. 29
Solar rotation tracking: ON

SOT: a few landscape SP scans with 200" x 120" or more
XRT: [optional] see HOP 328
EIS: [optional] see HOP 328

Note: This is not a high cadence run, but for large-FOV mosaic with ALMA.
If a good target or a floating material over the ARs appears before making the IRIS plan, I will switch the target to that in the off-limb region.
In that case, no SOT observation is required.


Hi Hardi,

I looked at the coordinates you will observe. See the attached png file.
(+902", +79") @ 14 UT on Aug. 28

I also need your final information about the coordinates for IRIS planning by 15 UT on Aug. 27 (in 18 hours).

By the way, the FOV of the IRIS raster scan is so wide that no roll is necessary.
But, if you request, please let me know.

Joten as IRIS planner

HOPs 352: shimojo
    353: nindos
    354: loukitcheva
    355: antolin
    356: cauzzi
    357: rodger

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