JAXA ISAS Dept of Space Astrophysics/ The University of Tokyo School of Science Dept of Astronomy/ SOKENDAI Dept of Space & Astronautical Science
Message for graduate student applicants
We welcome international applications for graduate students course in our lab by students graduated from universities. The staff has rich experience in international research activities. Both are fluent in English. We will provide sufficient support for master and doctor degrees.
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ISAS is not a university, but is associated to domestic universities under the Cooperative Graduate School System. You can select one of the following universities and select our group to be a member. The staff in our lab have affiliations in two universities, through which you can apply for the graduate course. Another is the Commissioned Guidance Student System. Both are based on JAXA's policy on accepting students.
- Cooperative Graduate School System (1): Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo. You can apply for the course starting from the first year master or the first year doctor course.
- Cooperative Graduate School System (2): Department of Space and Astronautical Science, Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai). You can apply for the course starting from the first year master or the first year doctor course.
- Cooperative Graduate School System (3): Department of Physics, Kwansei Gakuin University. Planned from FY2021.
- Commissioned Guidance Student System: This system allows the applicant to perform research activities at ISAS by keeping the graduate student status at your own university. You can apply at any time.
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We have no record of international gradudent students so far. We are looking forward to hosting the first!
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