宇宙研太陽グループ データ解析システム 利用ガイド
ISAS Solar Group Data Analysis System User's Guide

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1. The user directory and the data strage area for data analysis

(1) User directory

Directories where user can store files are below.
No. discription Directory PATH ("username" is your username)
a home directory /home/flare/all/username
b work direcrory /udat/username
c scratch area /scr/users/username
d ftp area /scr/ftp/pub/username
Additionally, you need to create "username" directory in c and d.

(2) The data storage area for data analysis

Directory where user can use for data analysis are below.
No. discription Directory PATH
a Hinode reformat data /soda/hinode
b data for reformatter /soda/solarb
c SolarSoft (ssw) directory /soda/ssw
d SolarSoft DataBase (sswdb) directory /soda/sswdb
e TRACE data directory /soda/trace
f RHESSI data directory /soda/rhessi
g Yohkoh data directory /soda/yohkoh
+Reformat data +/yyyy_mm
+Weekly data +/yyyy
h Yohkoh legacy data directory /soda/yla

2. Disk quota

(1) Quota limit on the user directory

The quota limit on the user directory of each user is 30GB.
Please note that you will not be able to create new files when you exceed the limit.

(2) The command for verify Quota limit and current usage value

You can verify Quota limit value and current usage value by the following command.
# quota -v

(3) The scrach area

Scratch area is meant as TEMPORARY work space.
Files which have not been modified in 3 months under /scr/users directory will be deleted without notice.