Daily Events on 2009/01/26 (Mon) | last updated at 2009/01/23 10:11:06 JST |
Station |
Pass No. |
Contact time (UT) |
Max. Elev. |
Events |
USC34 |
0200 |
09:47:00 |
09:57:55 |
15.9 |
DR playback (by OP) Monitoring after solar eclipse (OP issues AOCU_SLR_ECLPS_END at 9:55::11) |
USC34 |
0400 |
21:47:50 |
22:01:03 |
42.7 |
DR playback (by OP) |
Flare list(LM) : http://www.lmsal.com/solarsoft/last_events/ DR information
daily note Note: XRT is conducting Remote Operations. Please continue using Yugma for the Morning Operations Meetings, and dial in to the telecon phone number (see telephone-number card in Hinode morning-meeting room). To contact the XRT Chief Observer, please call +1-617-496-1156 (US phone number). Partial eclipse observations plans: 1) 1st eclipse 1st contact (12, -974) @ 5:39:36.9 Minimum (-726, 239) @5:47:45.0 2nd contact (608, 761) @5:56:24.7 pointing: Minimum (-726, 239) duration: 5:20 - 6:00 UT (by SOT and EIS) 2) 2nd eclipse 1st contact (-41, 973) @9:36:12.7 minimum (-388, 3) @9:45:31.2 2nd contact (-30, -974) @9:54:10.8 pointing: South Limb (0, -800) duration: 9:15 - 11:00 UT (by XRT) SOT: - lunar limb images taken with NFI, in the H-alpha line for characterizing PSF of NFI H alpha during first eclipse. - dark frames of SP, fast/normal mapping, various spectral ROIs, CCD both sides. - IBIS service mode. The best observing window is 1500UT-1700UT. Details TBD. XRT: - Eclipse: + 1st eclipse: PSF data and movie. + 2nd eclipse: Corona over the south polar coronal hole and CH itself. - Long-time evolution of AR in the northan hemisphere. EIS: - Test study on northern hemisphere active region (Warren & Mariska) - 1st eclipse: north-east limb for publicity shots - 2nd eclipse: south PCH (supporting XRT)
operation files pointing file : none |