Introduction (Announcement for Solar
Guidance for Hinode scientific operations
Aug. 5, 2010
Message to accepted HOP proposers: Hinode Ground-based coordination protocol (updated on Dec. 23, 2009)
New policy regarding major flare watches, target of opportunity HOPs, and synoptic/long-term study HOPs (updated on July 31, 2010)
Introduction (Announcement for Solar News on 1 July 2008)
Guidance for proposal observations (HOP)
Deadline for submission
Information required in submitted proposals
The following types of observations are strongly recommended to be submitted as HOPs, regardless of whether the proposers are inside or outside the Hinode team:
Points of contact for HOP submissions
Information about the Hinode Instruments'
Guideline for Hinode scientific operations
Message to accepted HOP proposers: Hinode Ground-based coordination protocol (updated on Dec. 23, 2009)
New policy regarding major flare watches, target of opportunity HOPs, and synoptic/long-term study HOPs (updated on July 31, 2010)
Hinode Team (ISAS/JAXA)