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HINODE Operation Remarks 0050

IRIS: limb-to-limb tracking of a quiet sun region



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On 29/08/31 7:44, Ted Tarbell wrote:
Here is what IRIS will be doing in its limb-to-limb tracking of a quiet sun region:

When:  Fri, September 1, 09:00 - Fri, September 15, 10:00 Description:  Sep 1-15 we will track a QS region continuously from limb to limb. This should only be interrupted for calibrations. Use this OBS-ID: 3620106074 Or if telemetry is an issue, then use this: 3621106074 If telemetry is still an issue, then drop in the small linelist for a little bit and then go back to the medium linelist

The primary OBS-ID  3620106074 is a Large dense 256-step raster with 84.2x120 arcsec FOV.  Cadence is 21 seconds for all 4 slit jaw images and 22 minutes for each raster of the slit.  This will follow rotation and run all day, except for short breaks during orbits with big SAA's for some of the short calibrations.

The fallback OBS-ID 3621106074 with lower data rate simply changes the slit jaw cadence to 41 seconds.


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