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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0378

Observations of spicule dynamics and prominence structures by Hida, IRIS, and Hinode

plan term


@ @


 name : TEI, UENO, ICHIMOTO, SAKAUE, SHIBATA, HEINZEL, GUNAR, OKAMOTO @  e-mail : teiakiko[at]kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp, ueno[at]kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp, ichimoto[at]kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp

contact person in HINODE team

 name : Savage, Watanabe, De Pontieu @  e-mail : sabrina.savage[at]nasa.gov, watanabe.tetsuya[at]nao.ac.jp, bdp[at]lmsal.com

 abstract of observational proposal
Main Objective: Investigating spicule dynamics and prominence structures by multi-line spectroscopy and deriving physical properties of them.

Scientific Justification: Spicules are cylindrical jet-like structures universally observed in the chromospheric network regions. The physical mechanism of spicules is not well understood yet. In addition, how spicules contribute to heating the upper atmosphere is not clear. One reason is that determinations of physical quantities of spicules from the observational data have not been completed.

Prominences or filaments represent another type of chromospheric-like gas, surrounded by the hot corona and supported by magnetic fields. Modeling of them has been conducted in the optical spectral lines mainly observed from ground and, recently, in the UV range in Mg II lines observed by IRIS.

We will observe off-limb spicules, network regions, prominences, or filaments simultaneously at multiple spectral lines. In addition, we will conduct the non-LTE modeling of those lines. By comparing the observations and modeling, we will derive various physical quantities of these structures such as kinetic temperatures, densities, turbulent velocities, and 3D velocities and we will investigate their properties and temporal evolution. Spectroscopic observations of such plasmas will be conducted by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) in space and by the Domeless Solar Telescope (DST) at the Hida Observatory of Kyoto University, Japan.

To obtain a set of off-limb spicule or on-disk network data at the same location with high cadence by both IRIS and DST, DST will conduct slit-scan observation while IRIS will be operated in a sit- and-stare mode. The temporal cadence of 10 sec by IRIS is necessary to follow the dynamics of the targets.

To obtain a set of off-limb prominence or on-disk filament data and to investigate their structures, both IRIS and DST will conduct slit-scan observations. In this case, the spatial coverage (95" x 175" by IRIS) is more important for us than the temporal cadence. For all targets, we will obtain spectroheliograph data by DST in the four spectral lines: Ca II K 3933 A, H-beta 4861 A, H-alpha 6563 A, and Ca II IR 8542 A and obtain IRIS data in the Mg II window around Mg II h 2803 A and k 2796 A and utilize the two lines. IRIS slit-jaw images in the Mg II 2796 A and 2832 A passbands are also necessary for alignments between different instruments. To support these spectroscopic co-observations, we ask for the spectroscopy by EIS and filter observations by XRT to see the connection between the chromospheric plasma and higher temperature plasma. SOT/SP scan is also preferable for on-disk observations (networks and filaments) to obtain the photospheric information.

 request to SOT
None for (a) and (c). For (b) and (d), please conduct a scan in the same region with the FOV size 60hx60h or larger in every 60-90 minutes consecutively. The fast mode is acceptable.

 request to XRT
Please conduct support observations of the target region with FOV size 100hx100h or larger consecutively.

 request to EIS
Please conduct support observations with the following studies (a "context study" to take a context image and a "main study" to take spectral data).

(a) Off-limb spicules and (c) Off-limb quiescent prominences
Choose one context study from the two. Former context study is preferred but use the latter context study if the time is not enough because of eclipse.
<context study 1> Study ID 353 gPRY_slot_context_v3h
ETime_Tagged, Fixed_Pointing, Non-Recursive, pointing adjustment = AIA
EFOV center: (Solar-x, Solar-y) = (0h, +863h) or (0h, -863h) only for (a).
<context study 2> Study ID 494 gXRT_synop_AIAh
ETime_Tagged, Fixed_Pointing, Non-Recursive, pointing adjustment = AIA
EFOV center: (Solar-x, Solar-y) = (0h, +859h) or (0h, -859h) only for (a).
<main study> vhh_slowar_sas_1h6m, ST 000434, 1h7m18s
EChained, Fixed_Pointing, Non-Recursive, pointing adjustment = AIA
EFOV center: (Solar-x, Solar-y) = (0h, +895h) or (0h, -895h) only for (a).
(b) Quiet-Sun network regions and (d) On-disk quiescent filaments
<context study> Study ID 292 gIUU_SLOT_136x400_Q65h
<main study> Study ID 487 gDRW001_HI_BRT_V3h

 other participating instruments
The proposal for IRIS has not yet been submitted but we will send the same information as in this proposal to the IRIS POC when we submit this proposal.

- Science rationale: See Scientific Justification.
- Target: See Target(s) of Interest.
- desired roll angle: 0
- requested day/time and duration: 22nd July 2019 - 26th July 2019 (5 days) and 12th August 2019 - 16th August 2019 (5 days).

- key constraints and/or a suggested OBS-ID both for low-data rate and high-data rate options:

(a) Off-limb spicules:
For high-data rate: OBS-ID 3620258704 (1.4Mbit/s) with FOV center (x,y)=(0h,+890h) or (0h, -890h) For low-data rate: OBS-ID 3620258703 (0.9Mbit/s) with FOV center (x,y)=(0h,+930h) or (0h, -930h) For even-lower-data rate: OBS-ID 3620258702 (0.4 Mbit/s) with FOV center (x,y)=(0h,+935h) or (0h, - 935h)
(b) On-disk networks in the quiet-Sun:
For each data rate, OBS-ID is the same as that for (a) off-limb spicules.
FOV center information will be proposed later depending on the target location.

(c) Off-limb prominences and (d) On-disk quiescent filaments: For high-data rate: OBS-ID 3600012067 (0.7Mbit/s)
For low-data rate: OBS-ID 3620012067 (0.5Mbit/s)

- Contact info: Akiko TEI (teiakiko@kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp, tei.akiko.00@gmail.com)

Domeless Solar Telescope (DST) at Hida Observatory.  
[H-alpha filtergraph]
Wavelength: -0.8, -0.5, 0.0, +0.5, +0.8 A. Time cadence: 15 sec.  
[Multi-line spectro-heliograph] Ca II K, H-beta, H-alpha, and Ca II 854nm. Scan width: about 30h. Time cadence: about 15 sec.

Time period of proposed observations:
- Start and end dates: 22nd July 2019 - 26th July 2019 (5 days) and
                       12th August 2019 - 16th August 2019 (5 days)
- Minimum number of observation days: 8 days
- Continuity of observations: Continuous observations for several hours every day are desired.

Time window in day:
- Mimimum duration: The minimum duration is 2 hours, from 00:00 to 02:00 UT (The best time-period at Hida). Desirable duration is about 6hours per one day (from 22:00-1d to 04:00 UT).
- Allowability of short interruptions: No interruptions are preferable except for moments for changing targets.

Targets of interest:
- We have the following four types of targets of interest:
  (a) off-limb spicules at the northern or southern polar coronal hole,
  (b) on-disk networks in the quiet-Sun around the disk center,
  (c) off-limb quiescent prominences, and (d) on-disk quiescent filaments.

Specific targets of observations will be daily proposed according to the actual solar situation.
- This is NOT a target of opportunity (NOT TOO).
- We will observe (a) or (b) if there is not any interesting (c) or (d).

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