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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0082

Eruptive and quiescent prominences Atlas with SOHO and Hinode

plan term


@ @


 name : Parenti, Labrosse, Vial, Raymond @  e-mail : s.parenti[at]oma.be

contact person in HINODE team

 name : Culhane @  e-mail : jlc[at]mssl.ucl.ac.uk

 abstract of observational proposal
Scientific Justification
The information contained in a spectral atlas is of prime importance to determine as many physical parameters of the observed structure as possible with the smallest uncertainties.
These physical conditions determine the slow evolution of prominences and the instabilities which lead to their eruptions, in some cases to Coronal Mass Ejections in the context of space weather.  
Parenti at al. 2005a built a FUV spectra atlas of a quiescent prominence and QS using the SUMER spectrometer in the waveband 800-1250 Å (detector A). They derived non-thermal velocities (NTV), Differential Emission Measure and pressure (Parenti & Vial 2007), which were used to investigate the energy balance. Parenti at al. 2005b also derived the electron temperature from the H I Ly-continuum. Vial et al 2007 investigated the H I Lya/Lyß ratio showing its
potentiality to diagnose geometrical and thermodynamic properties of prominences. Labrosse et al. 2007 studied the effect of radial motions of an erupting prominence on the He resonance lines to investigate the diagnostic possibilities using SOHO and Hinode.

The results achieved until now require further coordinated investigations aiming at the following specific targets:

* Extending the existing atlas of quiescent prominence over a larger range of temperatures and a consequently a larger waveband
* Building a dedicated atlas for an activated prominence

These results will be of great importance to contribute to several issues raised by these authors:
- To quantify and model the H I and He I continuum absorption in the EUV-UV emissions.
- To better constrain the models with the H I and He lines
- To better constrain the Prominence Corona Transition Region (PCTR) and the coronal environment
- To further study the dynamic of the PCTR (Doppler shift and NTV, dimming) in the low and high corona
- To compare these plasma properties for quiet, activated and erupted prominences.

The simultaneous use of SOHO/SUMER-CDS-UVCS, and Hinode instruments will be of great advantage for the purposes above mentioned.

SUMER will cover the full waveband on detector B (660 - 1500 Å, first order) in order to complement the Parenti at al. 2005a existing atlas and to study the H I Lyman series in line with Vial et al. 2007 work.
CDS observations will extend the atlas towards lower wavelengths, including the He I 584 Å and the He II 304 lines, proven to be very useful for diagnostic (Labrosse et al. 2007).
UVCS will provide informations of the prominence coronal environment through the Lya and O VI line profiles. They will be used to monitor  the changes of the plasma properties in the erupted filament.
EIS will provide critical information on the line profiles at shorter wavelengths. In particular, the data will be used for studying the He continuum absorption and the He II 256 A line. EIS will also produce a context image of the observed prominence.
SOT will provide morphology and dynamic information of the cooler part of the prominence.
XRT will be used to study the prominence cavity and surrounding hot environment.

 request to SOT
Ha center: half FOV (160"x160") 2x2 sum and CaII H: half FOV (108"x108") 2x2 sum
15sec cadence.

Ha doppler : }208 mA. To be run before and after Ha center.

Depending on the prominence morphology, the FOV may be extended and the cadence reduced.

 request to XRT
XRT: XOB#: 1371
Filter : Al/Poly
FOV : 512x512" with 1x1"-res and 2048x2048" with 2x2"-res
Exposure : non-saturated AEC and 4096 msec (fixed)
cadence : 30 sec and 1 min
Occasionally the Gband

 request to EIS
prom_rast_v1: 80" x 235" raster using the 1" x 235" slit and 50 sec.
prom_rast_small_v2: 4" x 128" raster using the 2" x 128" slit and 25 sec exposure time.

Depending on the exact data allocation, we would like to do
4 runs of prom_rast_v1 study and 1 run of prom_rast_small_v2
or 3 runs of prom_rast_v1 study and 2 runs of prom_rast_small_v2

If both scenarios are acceptable then we could do the 4+1 on the first day, and 3+2 on the second day.

 other participating instruments

SUMER: Full spectra on detector B. Slit 1" x 120", exposure time 100 sec. The SUMER slit should possibly include some off-limb corona.  A full spectrum taken in the off-limb corona at the height of the prominence will be useful for evaluating the background/stray light. Repete the sequence 3 times (about 1h for each sequence).
Context raster of 20" x 80" in 1025, avoiding O VI.
Lya line profile, exposure 15 sec.
The observing sequence will be:  Lya, full spectra, context raster.

CDS: Full NIS spectra. Study to be run: NISAT_S5, var 9, a raster of 40" x240".  

UVCS: Sit and stear observations at 1.7 Rsun. The sequence will be: Lya for about 3h, O VI doublet for 1h, 4h Lya. Part of the Lya and O VI observations should be in the same time window of the low corona instruments. Contact person: John Raymond jraymond@cfa.harvard.edu

Susanna Parenti will select pointing.

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