Monthly Meeting Minutes     HOP list     Remarks list     HOP Guidance

Monthly Events in 2016/06

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22 (2016/05/30 - 2016/06/05)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2016/06/05-2016/06/05)

HOP 0300 - Coronal loop magnetic field determination and evolution through coronal rain tracing - coobservation between SST, Hinode, IRIS and Meudon (2016/05/30-2016/06/10)

HOP 0301 - Coordinated Observations with the MinXSS Cubesat and SDO/EVE calibration rocket launch (2016/06/01-2016/06/01)

HOP 0311 - 3D structures of magnetic field at magnetic flux cancellation sites with IBIS, Hinode and IRIS (2016/06/02-2016/06/03)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/05/31-2016/06/05)

23 (2016/06/06 - 2016/06/12)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2016/06/08-2016/06/08)

HOP 0300 - Coronal loop magnetic field determination and evolution through coronal rain tracing - coobservation between SST, Hinode, IRIS and Meudon (2016/05/30-2016/06/10)

HOP 0311 - 3D structures of magnetic field at magnetic flux cancellation sites with IBIS, Hinode and IRIS (2016/06/07-2016/06/10)

HOP 0313 - A Search Chromospheric Manifestation of Ubiquitous Photospheric Jets (2016/06/07-2016/07/12)

HOP 0314 - Coordinated Observation with Akatsuki (2016/06/08-2016/06/08)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2016/06/12-2016/06/14)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/06/06-2016/06/12)

24 (2016/06/13 - 2016/06/19)

HOP 0305 - Magnetic and Dynamical Parameters of Active Region Filaments (2016/06/19-2016/06/26)

HOP 0313 - A Search Chromospheric Manifestation of Ubiquitous Photospheric Jets (2016/06/07-2016/07/12)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2016/06/12-2016/06/14)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/06/13-2016/06/19)

25 (2016/06/20 - 2016/06/26)

HOP 0079 - CORE (HOP0046): Synoptic SOT Irradiance Scans (Updated by HOP 412) (2016/06/23-2016/06/23)

HOP 0130 - CORE: Multi-temperature Full Disk Slot Scans (2016/06/21-2016/06/21)

HOP 0305 - Magnetic and Dynamical Parameters of Active Region Filaments (2016/06/19-2016/06/26)

HOP 0313 - A Search Chromospheric Manifestation of Ubiquitous Photospheric Jets (2016/06/07-2016/07/12)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/06/20-2016/06/20)

26 (2016/06/27 - 2016/07/03)

HOP 0310 - GREGOR-Hinode-IRIS observations to study flares over a wide spectral range (2016/06/27-2016/07/05)

HOP 0313 - A Search Chromospheric Manifestation of Ubiquitous Photospheric Jets (2016/06/07-2016/07/12)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2016/07/03-2016/07/05)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/06/28-2016/07/03)

27 (2016/07/04 - 2016/07/10)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2016/07/05-2016/07/05)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2016/07/07-2016/07/07)

HOP 0310 - GREGOR-Hinode-IRIS observations to study flares over a wide spectral range (2016/06/27-2016/07/05)

HOP 0313 - A Search Chromospheric Manifestation of Ubiquitous Photospheric Jets (2016/06/07-2016/07/12)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2016/07/03-2016/07/05)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/07/04-2016/07/10)

28 (2016/07/11 - 2016/07/17)

HOP 0313 - A Search Chromospheric Manifestation of Ubiquitous Photospheric Jets (2016/06/07-2016/07/12)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/07/11-2016/07/17)

29 (2016/07/18 - 2016/07/24)

HOP 0079 - CORE (HOP0046): Synoptic SOT Irradiance Scans (Updated by HOP 412) (2016/07/21-2016/07/21)

HOP 0130 - CORE: Multi-temperature Full Disk Slot Scans (2016/07/20-2016/07/20)

HOP 0173 - EPO campaign observation mainly for high school students (2016/07/23-2016/07/30)

HOP 0318 - Hi-C II Sounding Rocket Support (2016/07/19-2016/07/19)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2016/07/24-2016/07/26)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/07/18-2016/07/18)

30 (2016/07/25 - 2016/07/31)

HOP 0173 - EPO campaign observation mainly for high school students (2016/07/23-2016/07/30)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2016/07/24-2016/07/26)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/07/26-2016/07/31)

31 (2016/08/01 - 2016/08/07)

remarks - "Focused" Mode Operation (2016/08/01-2016/08/07)

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Monthly Meeting Minutes     HOP list     Remarks list     HOP Guidance